This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up, wk 20~ Walking pneumonia and concurring Giants

school days 017So, the week started out relatively quiet and then it kicked into overdrive…should I be surprised by this? No!  It just the way we roll, so to speak.

Two of my children, who shall remain nameless, have been slacking off a bit in getting their weekly work accomplished.  To remedy this we had a big family discussion and I pulled out our “I am Diligent” Virtue Clue Card that says “I start fast, work hard, and finish strong”. I also redesigned each of the four students weekly schedule so that there will be no question as to what is expected to be done and complete by Friday at 3 PM.  We discussed that sports and extra activities are just that, EXTRA and will cease to exist if things did not show improvement.  I think I got my point across and things are looking up. I hate to be the bad guy, but academics comes first and sports and play second.

On Tuesday, while Montana and I were going over her phonics lessons and reading I heard her wheezing and crackling.  Not a good sign.  school days 040But, Montana did not act sick at all.  She just had a cough that has not gone away.  I called the Pediatrician and they squeezed us in for the 1130 AM appointment.  Like I said, Montana showed no signs of being sick, just the pesky cough so you can imagine my surprise when the Doctor said she has walking pneumonia.  She is on a dose of antibiotics and  out of gymnastics classes until next Wednesday. 

Wednesday we made Monster cookies to bring with us for our church groups snack day on Thursday evening.  McKenzie loves cookies…she sat in the kitchen and waited ever so patiently for the first batch to be done so she could eat one.  Thursday we went to co-op and had a great time visiting and catching up with our friends.  We all look forward to Thursdays and its much needed respite.

F. Cookies

This morning came very quickly as Madison and Mikayla had morning practice at 8AM –12PM because the optional girls (Lvl 7’s and up) where heading to Chicago for the big gymnastics meet, Good Luck Girls!  The meet was optional for us and we decided not to go because the money was due soon after we switched to the new gym last August and we had to pay for new leos/warm ups, etc.  Next season though we will get to travel as an optional. This week Mikayla was able to practice her Giants on the swing bar.  I have a video posted on FaceBook if you want to see it.  Even though we have to leave at 720AM, I enjoy  Friday morning practices  because we get our Friday evening to relax and regroup before Saturdays early morning at 8AM. 

So, that was our week in a nutshell. We are plugging along with our school work and I am already starting to plan for next school year. The Lt. wants to have the homeschool proposal by mid March so I have been up into the wee hours of the nights researching and plotting.  I probably should update our current plan of study since things have changed a bit.  I will do that next week so stay tuned.

weekly-wrap-up_thumb2I am linking this Weekly Wrap Up with Kris over at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers. Head on over and see how others week went.

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