This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Monday, February 13, 2012

TOS Review ~ See-N-Spell

SeeNSpell 013Last year I had the opportunity to review the See-N-Read® reading tool that was the recipient of the The Old Schoolhouse Magazine’s Review Crew Blue Ribbon Award in the “Favorite Special Needs Product” Category.  This year I was excited when I was offered a chance to review the See-N-Spell booklet.

This 40 page See-N-Spell™ booklet enables young writers to compose stories, essays, and even articles  by providing a more advanced vocabulary at their fingertips.  Most young writers lack the confidence to spell these more advanced words correctly and that is where the See-N-Spell comes in.


See-N-Spell was designed to be easy to use tool and it is!  Words are broken down into three alphabetized categories:

  1. Most Commonly Used Vocabulary Words
  2. Commonly Misspelled Words
  3. My Special Interest Words

It is so easy to use, which we love. Your student can simply turn to the page showing the first letter (a,b,c, etc.) of the word you are trying to  spell, scan down the page, then copy the correct spelling into their written work.  It is that simple!  PhotobucketPlus each See-N-Spell comes with the handy dandy reading tool the See-N-Read.  You can read about my review and how it works by clicking here.  I used this product with Mikayla and we had good results.  She is always asking how do you spell…?  Now, I first send her to the See-N-Spell to find the word.  If she has misspelled a word in her writing I again send her to the See-N-Spell to look first. For $9.99 this handy book we recommend this book and know it will be a great addition to your home library.  Check out what my Crewmates thought of the See-N-Spell by clicking here.


Company ~See-N-Read

Product ~ See-N-Spell

Price ~ $9.99

Age ~4th graders and up * I used this product with my 3rd grade daughter with no problems.


I received a download of See-N-Spell, in exchange for a thorough and honest review.  Though I am compensated with free products, I am not compensated in the form of cash for my reviews.  The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but are not influenced by the company or the free product provided.

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