Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January’s 3 in 30

Whew, 2012 came in with a bang.  I had a less than stellar New 3in30 ChallengeYear’s Eve and Day due to bingo and nicotine poisoning, but hey that is in the past and I am over it now. So this month I am hoping to get some things marked off my list.  You saw my list, right?


The first goals I want to accomplish in January are:

1. Eat breakfast ~ This one seems pretty easy, but I struggle getting “the most important meal of the day”. 

2. Paint Madison’s room ~ Madison moved into her new room in late Summer of 2011, I have yet to paint it.

3. Find a new doctor ~ This is long overdue for me.  i tend to let things slide for me and take care of everyone else, but no more! I am moving up on the priority list and finding a new doctor is one of the first steps.

Do you have any goals you want to accomplish? Consider linking up with the gals over at 3in30 and get some encouragement and accountability along the way.

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