This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011

 caffey family photo 2011 color 

Merry Christmas!!! We hope this letter finds you happy and healthy and blessed by the Christmas season. Our family has had yet another amazing year, including the addition of a new member of the family, Mason Oliver.  Gotcha there didn’t I??? No, we didn’t have another baby, we expanded the family with the addition of our awesome beagle puppy. The girls are growing way too fast and we are savoring each and every moment.  Homeschooling has allowed us to grow closer to each other and allows for flexibility in our busy schedules. 

RAVEN 10_06_11_RSA_Student_Portraits_10_6_3259-928256 Marie is still the cheerleader of the house and this season she is competing on two teams, Junior 2 and Senior 3.  Next season we hope for her to compete individually.  She is excelling in school and adjusting to the pace of high school freshman classes and course loads. History is her favorite subject in school and although we got off to a rocky start by switching curriculum we are now back on track with Sonlight and she is learning American History in depth.

Madison just recently turned 11 years and is in the 5th grade SAIGE 10_06_11_RSA_Student_Portraits_10_6_3184-928171and her favorite subject is creative writing.  After breaking her toe this summer while vaulting she has made great strides to get back on track with gymnastics.  When we switched gyms in August, she had just 4 weeks to learn the skills needed to move up to Level 5 or she would have to stay Level 4.  With lots of encouragement and support from us and true Caffey determination she got all the skills she needed and at her first gymnastics she qualified for Sectionals!

Mikayla will turn 9 years old just after the New Year and is in the  TRINITY 10_06_11_RSA_Student_Portraits_10_6_3236-9279563rd grade.  Her favorite subjects so far this year have been Art and Math.  Mikayla excels in gymnastics and it is even more evident now since we have switched training gyms and in her scores.  She was invited to join the TOPs (Talent Opportunity Program) that includes extra conditioning and training for a strength and flexibility test in the Summer of 2012.  She has her eyes on the prize of going to TX and training with Bella Karolyi for a week in 2012 if selected.

Montana is 5! She is doing Kindergarten CADIE 10_06_11_RSA_Student_Portraits_10_6_3217-928307work even though we  elected to opt her out of schooling officially with the school district.  She is excelling and learning to read and loves school.  So much so I have to pace myself with her to keep up.  She is also making great strides in gymnastics and was just promoted to the advanced class. Montana enjoys playing outside and with her new puppy.



 FAITH 10_06_11_RSA_Student_Portraits_10_6_3279_copy_copy-1211241McKenzie is 2 years old, WOWZERS my baby is getting so big.  She is a petite spitfire and let’s just be honest here, has all of us wrapped around her little finger, but we all love her so! Medically she has a clean bill of health for which we are all so thankful for.  She had tubes put in at the end of August right before her birthday and they have made a world of difference in her communication skills.



Mason1 We brought just a little bit more testosterone in the house with the addition of our wonder puppy, Mason.  He is an awesome 11 week old puppy that fills our home.  He loves being with us and chewing playing with toys, regardless of if they are his or not.



caffey family photo MikeandI 2011The Lt.  has been busy with his new Helicopter command and finishing up his Master’s degree. Our first year of shore duty has been a blast and it’s great that he comes home each night.  As for me, I continue to hold the family together with my color-coded master schedule and lots of love and patience.  It’s not always easy but God is good and he provides when my energy is low.

We pray your family has a blessed holiday and may your hearts be warm with the blessing of Christmas.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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