This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Saturday, December 31, 2011


I am a list maker. I like to have things written down in front of imagesCAD4T46Kme so I can physically check them off when I am done, it’s just how I roll.  I admit that sometimes my lists give birth to new lists, but that just keeps things interesting right? Sprittibee says “Lists are living, breathing, always-changing reminders of things that you don't want to forget about... things that are important to you.” and I couldn't agree more.
Today I am linking up my list of 30+ things with Spritiibee’s Big Fat Annual List. I think my list is manageable and compact. So without further adieu here is my list.
30+ Things for 2012
  1. daily time with God
  2. move ME up on the priority list
  3. find a new doctor & go for full physical
  4. read The Well Trained Mind’s Novel list
  5. start running ~ small baby steps and do a 5K
  6. join a church service group
  7. simplify
  8. de-clutter & organize the house ~ donate or giveaway
  9. drop the last of my baby weight
  10. decide if I am going back to school
  11. read at least 52 books this year, not including read-alouds to girls
  12. menu plan weekly
  13. paint/decorate each of the girls room
  14. paint/decorate the master bedroom
  15. makeover house in tidbits (more to come on this)
  16. get caught up with grading/recording/personal portfolios
  17. cut more coupons
  18. read 5 homeschool related books, read 3
  19. purge emails/ yahoo groups ~ keep inboxes cleaned and manageable
  20. work on photography skills
  21. plant garden again ~ the right way
  22. sell WA State house, CLOSED July 5th,2012
  23. encourage/help Marie create label/creations
  24. save money to go to CA for Thanksgiving 2012
  25. eat breakfast
  26. start and maintain family home management binder
  27. redo floors downstairs
  28. print digital photos ~ put inside albums
  29. have a monthly date with the Lt.
  30. get recommended daily calories
  31. go on more fieldtrips
  32. mail my 2012 Christmas cards by December 5th.
  33. make checkbook registers for the girls
  34. modify budget
  35. build better relationships
  36. follow through
What are some of your goals for 2012? Link up at Sprittibee’s and share your list. I also plan to tackle these tasks with the 3 in 30 challenge
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