This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Weekly Wrap Up, Wk 7 ~ A refreshing break and changes


We had a great, relaxing week this week.  It was our first break after six sustained weeks of learning, not just in books but life.  We found out that our current History curriculum was not a good fit for Marie.  It makes me sad a bit, and not because I spent a small fortune on books and curricula, but because I was hoping to have all the girls in one History period. However, I am not up for long, tedious battles of getting work done.  So, we are moving back to Sonlight for Marie.  My friend, Michele, who has been there, done that for High School has graciously offered to lend us her Core 100. Jan misc. 2011-265 056 THANK YOU MICHELE, You are such a blessing!!!  

So, for now Madison & Mikayla will be staying with TOG but I may be tweaking it in the next few months as Madison has already expressed that she wants to go back to Sonlight also, sigh!  Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Sonlight, we still use there readers, etc. but I had a plan for something different, and God is gently, yet firmly letting me know that is not the path we need to be on.  I am listening, just a little bit stubbornly.  I am a Taurus after all :-)

Oct misc 023

So, just what did we do with our week off?  Not a whole lot of anything.  Just the way I like it.  So, besides gymnastics and cheer practices and co-op we stayed home.  I did have to make a trip to Patient First on Monday when I was having flank pain that turns out I had a bladder infection that spread to my kidneys.  Fun, by Monday evening I was in so much pain I had to break down and take a 800Mg Motrin.  I normally don’t take any meds, so this knocked me out Monday night.  I do remember the Lt. going to pick the girls up at practice but not much after that.  I was o-u-t!

Oct misc 052 I didn’t pick up my camera hardly at all this week, so I am using archived photos.  Sometimes those can be the best kind, right?  The girls did have school photos at co-op on Thursday.  McKenzie would not smile for anything so hers should be interesting.  We also got a group photo of them, I can’t wait to see how they turned out. 

Ton beam 07012011

Mikayla started her TOPs training in gymnastics on Wednesday evening.  She had fun, but said it was too easy.  I told her if they made it hard the first day she would not want to come back.   She was asked to practice with the level 7/8 girls two times a week and last night she connected a back walk-over with a back-handspring on the balance beam.  Madison is making great strides too, she is so close to getting her Kip on the bars.  Not that there’s pressure or anything but she has 22 days left to get that skill before the routines clinic happens on the 30 Oct.  I know she will get it and I really hope it’s on a Wednesday (the day I stay at the gym for all 4 hours of practice) so I can see her ring the bell.  That will be a Kodak moment.  Oh, we also got our Meet schedule {jumping for joy}.  I am a planner and I have been pestering asking ever so sweetly  when it would be out so that I could match up gymnastic meet with cheerleading competitions.  So far, we only have 1 or 2 that conflict but depending on times we may be able to make it work out.  There is an optional meet listed in Chicago in February that Mikayla wants to go to so she can get her picture in front of this:


So, that was our week in a nutshell. How was yours?  I am looking forward to getting back at the in-depth learning next week.  I am linking this post up with the Weekly Wrap Up over at WUHS.  Stop by and link up too!


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