Tuesday, October 18, 2011

TOS Review ~ Always Icecream


So, just what does ice cream have to do with the internet? Well, let me tell you about a great site for girls aged 7-12 called Always Icecream.  It is a social media site just for girls that brings “A scoop full of laughter, A scoop full of learning!” plus a whole lot of fun playing educational games.  Always Icecream was co-founded by  parents of five children, Swenja and Johannes Ziegler.


This great website rewards your daughter with scoops of virtual ice cream for all their learning accomplishments, while allowing them to play, learn and interact in a safe environment.  Now, I know what your thinking? Social media for my young impressionable daughter, no way!  Honestly, I thought the same thing when I was chosen for this review.  I was pleasantly surprised to find out that this site gives the parents full control of everything that happens in your child's virtual world.  Also, content on Always Icecream is subject to moderation, is blocked to search engines, and contains no advertising.


Dr. Johannes Ziegler came up with the idea for Always Icecream when he was looking for an appropriate internet website for his three daughters. In search of a site that combines safety, fun, educational value and online networking he was unhappy with the existing sites. That’s how the idea for Always Icecream was born.”

Always Icecream has been certified by the Privo Privacy Assurance Program to be in compliance with the rigorous standards defined in the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

Want to know what else? This site has committed to not teaching on the touchy subject of evolution.  You get to teach your daughters  what you believe about the origin of life.  I for one appreciate that and give them a high five for that!!!

So, just what do you get with your membership to Always Icecream?

  • Learning Games and Rewards
  • Educational Videos
  • Shops and Games to Spend Rewards
  • Weekly Progress Report to Parents
  • Friends and Profiles
  • Comments and Messages
  • Entertaining Games and Videos as Rewards
  • Social Games like Pet Sitting and Arts Shop
  • Moderation prior to being visible to other members

The Games

example_games_on_always_ice_creamYou will get your fill of games in a fun educational way.  There are different levels of learning so you daughter will be continually challenged. The following subject categories available:

Language Arts

Math Drills

Math Quizzes

Advanced Math (such as exponents, fractions and square numbers)

Religious Education (Christian)

Geography & History


Music & Arts

Computer Skills

Foreign Languages



Another great aspect of Always IceCream that I appreciate is that they site provides the girls with praise and recognition. While the girls play they earn “$coops,” an in-game currency. Medals and awards for achievements in games that can be use the $coops to take care of pets or decorate homes. The girls also get to redeem their $coops for any fun game or activities, such as purchasing items in their mini world or purchasing fun stuff for their pets in the Pet World. There is also the  social aspect of chatting with other girls about how they liked a game or lesson, but that option is completely up to the parent to allow that feature or not.

Our Thoughts

We liked Always IceCream  and we give them 5 $coops for the fun, educational, and  safe site that can be moderated  to parents desires. I especially enjoyed the fact that everything is educational and if I found something that I didn’t like (which I rarely did) I could disable that feature.  Because I used this review with Madison, Mikayla, and Montana sharing an account I did not feel comfortable having them access the Learning Community as we don’t know anyone in “real life” that uses this feature.  However, in the future if this should change I would allow them to.  If you are looking for a safe, educational, online environment for your daughter definitely check out Always IceCream!  It works for our family of girls and it may just work for you too! Try it for yourself right here.

Check out what my crewmates experienced with Always Icecream, HERE.


Company~ Always Icecream

Product ~Always Icecream

Price ~$4.99 per month or $29.99 per year. Life-time membership $99.99

Ages~ geared towards girls aged 7-12


I received a membership to Always Icecream , in exchange for a thorough and honest review.  Though I am compensated with free products, I am not compensated in the form of cash for my reviews.  The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but are not influenced by the company or the free product provided.

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