Friday, October 28, 2011

Love All The Way ~ CD review & Giveaway

Remember Jump 5, a fun teen dance band from years Brittany-LATWago?  If so, then you might recognize Brittany Hargest.  Well now she has her own debut album release called “Love All The Way” that is an upbeat, get up and go  CD filled with songs in which she shares her heart in Christ. Think Christian Rock only a little more toned down.  Have a listen to a song right here!

“Brittany’s debut release combines club beats with lyrics that communicate the hope, love and acceptance that are found in knowing Christ. Recognized for her high energy and soaring vocals, Brittany delivers the same vocal ability, and influence on a more mature record. Infectious rhythms and irresistibly catchy hooks gravitate toward a grand finally ending! These 10 dance/pop driven tracks, are exuberant examples of fiery rhythms, which collectively serve up a variety of interesting tempos. From tracks like, “Slow Motion” to “Love All The Way” to “Miracle” and “You Met Me”, the music’s drive comes from its pervasive grooves, exquisite arrangements and passionate singing. This release ranks right up at the top with any feel-good, dance- driven album in the industry! It’s one of the best Christian dance albums ever made and it’s just so easy to get caught up in the music that at the end, it’s hard not to rewind the record and start it over again! Hargest’s self-titled, debut album demonstrates, what good music is supposed to do by providing a positive escape.”

Brittany’s CD is available on I Tunes, Buy the CD on Amazon, or download the MP3 album at Amazon.  Want your own copy?  Leave me a comment and let me know you were here.  The giveaway is open to anyone, even if you know me IRL (in real life).  This giveaway will be open until 10 P.M. Thursday, Nov. 3rd.  Leave a comment and win a CD, easy peasy!


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