Saturday, September 24, 2011

Weekly Wrap Up, week 5 ~ character training

Week 5…WHEW!  We had another long week, but we made it through with God’s grace.  Without airing everything, but in the spirit of keeping it “real” we had some character issues with a few members of this household.  So we spent a few days really dealing with and getting things lined up the way they are supposed to be.  I was lovingly reminded by my Aunt Janice not to try to be a Super Mom by rather an Abiding Mom.

But the fruit the Holy Spirit produces is love, joy and peace.  It is being patient, kind and good.  It is being faithful and gentle and having control of oneself. There is no law against things of that kind. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed their sinful nature to his cross. They don’t want what their sinful nature loves and longs for. Since we live by the Sprit, let us march in step with the Spirit. Let us not become proud. Let us not make each other angry. Let us not want what belongs to others.   ~Galatians 5:22-26 (NIrV)

As far as schooling goes, I have lowered my expectations of what the girls need to get done without sacrificing the quality of their education. I recognized I was expecting too much, trying to plug in too many classes so we dropped a few classes and it is going well. I had to really examine myself and what I really wanted the girls to accomplish this year and just focus on that.

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We started Science for Madison & Mikayla and learned all about cells.  We looked at onion and celery cells under the microscope.  We didn’t get to make the edible Jell-o cell…but you know what?  THAT’S O.K.! 

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Madison got a lesson on writing paragraphs and wrote about a personal experience as part of her Rod  & Staff composition assignment.  She chose to write about when we moved from WA State to our current location in 2009.  I have to say she wrote a very well detailed paragraph and included highlights of our trip, including when Montana’s car seat got stuff in the airplane seat.


Wednesday the girls had their dental cleaning. Out of the four girls that got their teeth cleaned we only had one cavity.  Next cleaning  in March I am hoping for NO cavities.  Madison will be getting her braces in the beginning of the year, and she is really excited. We also made it to the library after the dentist.  McKenzie kept her shoes on so we didn’t get the evil eye from the librarian :-)  She is starting to enjoy looking for books and sitting at the little toddler tables reading her books.

Thursday brought co-op and much needed encouragement.  It is a long day because Marie’s class is not over until 4P.M. and Madison’s starts at 1030A.M. Because we live so far out we have to leave our house by 945A.M. to get there with a little cushion time to get settled, but it is worth it.  I just need to be better prepared on my part Wednesday nights so that things can run more smoothly and so I can make it to Group night at church.

That was our week, how was yours?  Check out how other homeschoolers weeks went over at WUHS.

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