This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Weekly Wrap Up, Week 3 ~ Birthdays and set backs

Whew!  We had 2 birthdays to celebrate this week, one on the 13th for Montana, 5th and one on the 17th for the Lt. With McKenzie’s birthday just two weeks ago I have had enough cake to last me until November (when it’s Madison’s birthday)! 

We spent Tuesday at Chuck E. Cheese and had the whole facility to ourselves, love that!  Montana had a great day and was spoiled with all of her gifts she received.  Madison won 125 tickets from the Wheel of Fortune machine, she was screaming and jumping around so excited. The Lt.’s birthday was low key since he was out with an engagement Friday night and most of Saturday.  We had an ice cream cake from Cold Stone and Chinese food for dinner.  CADIE 5TH birthday 145CADIE 5TH birthday 110Mike's 37th bday 021 

McKenzie has decided that she is going to potty train this CADIE 5TH birthday 010week.  She has been doing quite fabulous and she is nearly day trained.  She is so cute wearing her 5-ply training panties.  You know how most toddlers have no hips, well she really has no hips whatsoever!





1st day of co-op 011

School wise things are going well. We started co-op on Thursday and on Wednesday the girls were so excited for it to start.  That is all they talked about at “recess” with our neighborhood homeschool friends.  It was really great to see so many old and make new friends too.  What a great encouragement booster just to be surrounded by so many seasoned homeschool moms.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up  ~ Galatians 6:9

I do wonder some days if I am expecting too much or if I have assigned too much… but things are going along.  We had a bit of a set back early in the week with Marie in Biology but we got back on track by Friday and she scored a “B” on her science test.  After our week, I will take that!  She is wanting to be totally independent in her studies and be hulled up in her room all day.  I don’t feel she is quite yet ready for complete independence.  I don’t want our High School studies to be so secluded and independent as a Freshman. 

How do you handle High School in your house?


weekly-wrap-up_thumb2 I am linking this post up with the Weekly Wrap Up @WUHS. Head on over and see how everyone week went.


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