This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday McKenzie!

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While these are not her official 2 year old photos, I thought I would post something in case we don't have power Sunday due to Hurricane Irene.  Today, my baby, McKenzie turns 2.  Wow, that went buy so fast…it seems just like yesterday that our little bit was born.  She arrived with a surprise a few weeks early and she keeps us on our toes, daily! I will post her stats on Tuesday after her check up.  I am hopeful that she has finally reached 20 lbs!!!

Two years have  gone by,
How time has flown,
We can't believe
how you’ve grown!
You’re such a joy
and much fun too,

You're as cute as a bug
So precious to hug
A darling child
Who's nice to be near.
So.. hope turning two
Is happy and fun
And takes you along
To a third great year!

just born

FAITH ears bday, OBX vacation 027

  1 year old

Saturday, August 27, 2011

2011-2012 Weekly Wrap Up ~ week 1 Ear tubes, earthquakes, and hurricanes…oh my!!!

weekly-wrap-up_thumb2To say we have had a busy, exciting week would be an understatement.  Monday, Kenzie bug had ear tubes put in.  She enjoyed playing in the playroom before her procedure with the two little boys before her.  The process was so quick that I was only in the waiting room like 10 minutes.  Kenzie did really well and was recovered enough by Monday evening to make the gymnastics run. 

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The Lt. was the teacher of the day on Monday as I took Kenzie to her appointment.  He taught the girls while I was away and did a fantastic job!

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Monday evening, our gymanstics head coach at our gym put in her notice of resignation.  While it was not a total shock to me, as I knew it was coming, it still was a sad evening leaving our family with a hard decision to make.  Do we stay at our gym or follow our coach to a new gym??? After a lot of prayer and weighing our options, the Lt. and I decided it was time for us to move on to a new gym, World Class Gymnastics. The advancement opportunities will be greater for the goals the girls have.


Tuesday was just a normal day, trying to get back in the swing of things as far as school goes.  We made it through all of our lessons and that made this Mama happy!  I found this note on my computer Tuesday morning from Madison.  school starts 047

Those are the colors of the new team.  The Lt. and I told her, it’s not the color of the leo it’s how you represent the team and stick the landing.  She’s a funny girl! 

Madison & Mikayla went to a placement practice with the new gym we’re considering.  I was able to meet with the owner of the gym and she explained a whole lot of things and opportunities that will be able to happen for the girls at the gym.  Including Mikayla being able to train for the TOPs (Talent Opportunity Program) for 2012 testing.  Madison & Mikayla were placed in levels Advanced 4 and Level 5/6 respectively.  Mikayla will also be training with her same coach from our current gym once the move is made in September.

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Wednesday, I thought I was seriously losing it when we had an 5.9 earthquake.  I was sitting at my desk reading Marie’s competition schedule and all of a sudden I felt like I was rocking and rolling.  Immediately I thought, Oh No, the washer is rocking and ran to it only to find it not shaking.  Then I ran to the breakfast nook and looked outside, the water in the pool was moving and that’s when I put 2 and 2 together and thought Earthquake.  Marie came running downstairs and said her room was shaking.  So, we then had a impromptu earthquake drill and the girls learned to duck and cover.  Well, everyone but McKenzie, she didn’t want to be bothered, she was playing babies and didn’t have time to worry about an Earthquake drill.

Thursday and Friday we spent preparing for Hurricane Irene.  Prepping for a natural disaster is S-T-R-E-S-S-F-U-L times 10!  At least we have warning though, but I am not sure of the reasoning why people clear the shelves of everything from bread to bananas and eggs.  Ok, I get the bread but eggs, not quite sure about that.  Friday, we spent the day finishing weekly laundry and general prepping of the outside cleaning gutters, draining the pool a bit, tying the trampoline down, and just generally getting things done.  While I was putting away groceries McKenzie decided to get nice and moisturized, All by HERSELF! school starts 055school starts 053 

Did I mention she will be 2 years old tomorrow?!?  She definitely keeps me on my toes…they all do!

I am linking this up with Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers Weekly Wrap Up.  Check it out and be inspired!  

Friday, August 19, 2011

NBTS week 3 ~ Meet my students

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While these are not our official School photos, I wanted to get something up so you can meet my students.  Without further ado here they are.

 20112012 school pics take  1 058Marie   

Grade: 9th

Favorite subject: Math

When I grow up I want to be: An Actress

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Grade: 5th

Favorite subject: Spelling

When I grow up I want to be: A mineral or chemical Engineer or a gymnastics coach


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Grade: 3rd

Favorite subject: Science

When I grow up I want to be: A doctor or a gymnastics coach


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Grade: K

Favorite subject: playing after school is done

When I grow up I want to be:  A gymnastics teacher


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Grade: Tot School

Favorite subject: being 2

nbts-blog-hop-2011 Check out more families over at The Heart of the Matter Online during the Not Back to school Hop

Our Plan of Study

Our Schoolroom

Monday, August 8, 2011

Miscellany Monday

pool day 002 Monday, Monday…we are going to make this a FUN day!  There is so much to do on this day…

pool day 008 1. lesson planning ~ we start school on Friday, 19 August.  McKenzie is having ear tubes put in on Monday, Aug. 22 so that will be a non-school day for us.  Have any of your kids had ear tubes?  This is a first for us.

Grocery cart                                             credit ~ Moms Need to Know

2. grocery shopping ~ sigh…I think I will put this off until tomorrow.  I have enough in my pantry to get creative for one day.

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3.Glad  Press’n Seal is a girls best friend when water is involved.  Thanks for the tip Nurse Lilly!

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4. figuring out how I am going to get 3 girls to different practices today with overlapping start and end times…Hmmm.

Daddy Daughter R pool day 025

5. enjoying the day in the pool with my girls.

Have a Blessed day!



Sunday, August 7, 2011

Not Back To School ~ Our School room

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Welcome, thanks for stopping by! Today everyone is showing off where they do school.This is definitely one of my favorites. Where do you “do” school? At a desk, at the table, or on the couch? I like to take a peak inside everyone else’s houses and see how things are set up. Okay, enough suspense already, let’s take a look around our house…
School Rm Update Aug.2010 105

When you walk in the front door into the foyer you see our hutch that I have repurposed as our supply cabinet. Inside here you will find glue sticks, glitter, crayons & markers, construction paper, manipulatives, and a whole lot of craft supplies. I have moved this hutch plenty of times back and forth and I think its resting spot will be in the foyer for now. See that cute little toddler? That's McKenzie when she was 10 months old. Sigh, they grow so fast!
To the right of the entry foyer is the home library / computer area. Up on top of the shelves is where I store the Sonlight Core binders, Tapestry of Grace Binders, Reading & Science schedule binders and the girls yearly work binders. We also have science kits, Saxon Math kits, and magazines. At the top to fill maximize the empty space I plan on hanging up McKenzie’s alphabet creations and maybe some art work. I saw this idea over at Heathers from Timeless and Treasured, be sure to go check out her basement schoolroom, LOVE IT!


This room has gone through many different changes and purposes over the last 6 years.
2009-2011 schoolroom
School Rm Update Aug.2010 102
     2011-2012 schoolroom
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2012- 2013 schoolroom
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Behind the front door is our All About Alphabet wall.
June misc 077

To the left of the foyer is our current school room. This is where the majority of the school work and art & crafts are done. The Lt. is still planning on making me another bookshelf for the missing space to the right…he has just been really busy with work. Right now filling the space is a repurposed cart that I bought from my friend Michele. I still need to decide what color I am going to paint the bookshelves but I am kind of liking the natural for now.   

Montana & McKenzie each have a desk at the windows while Madison & Mikayla sit at the table.


That old dresser in the corner that holds extra supplies and whatnot has a date with some paint sometime soon.  I am thinking of a pretty bright Robin's Egg blue that I saw at Lowe’s (can’t remember the name of it off hand).  I will keep you updated though.
  This room has also gone through many changes also:
   2009 –2012
school room updates 037

  2012 – 2013
updated classroom - Mason collar 009

2013 - 2014

Here is a peak at where I do all my blogging and computer work. This little area is the breakfast nook that I have turned into office space complete with chalkboard wall. Our dining room table is too big for the space so this office area works for me now.
updated classroom - Mason collar 002
 updated classroom - Mason collar 003 cb wall

So, that’s it…thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed the tour. If you want to see more ideas, head on over to the The Schoolhouse Crew or the  iHomeschool Network  and check out some more rooms.  You can check out our 2014-2015 Plan of Study in this post.  Make sure you come back next week to see my students all dolled up for picture day!