Saturday, June 4, 2011

Make new friends, but keep the old

Today was our last day of Girl Scouts.  Yep, you will need to find a new cookie supplier.  We ended our Girl Scout career seeing our friends end of Girl Scouts06042011 002bridging to new levels.  It was fun and the girls had a great time.  Montana cried at the end because she wanted to walk over the bridge and be a Brownie.  She is not old enough to be a Brownie for two more years. 

Right now, we are in a different place in life… with different priorities.  This past year, I have been pulled in so many directions and after much prayer and counseling from others I knew something had to change.  We have had so many fun times and met so many new and wonderful people, but I needed to cut back somewhere and sadly Girl Scouts was what was put on my heart.

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end of Girl Scouts06042011 038 Cheryl and Tracey, it’s been a great year, we’ve had fun times!!!  I wish you the best in your scouting journeys and endeavors.  Cheryl, please get in touch with us come cookie time because we will need cookies.  To all the girls it was a blast to be your Daisy leader and all the parents thank you for letting me spend those two hours with your girls on Tuesday’s.  I will be seeing a lot of the Girl Scouts throughout the year with different activities so it’s not “Good Bye” forever…

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 It’s see you around!!!

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We were missing about 8 girls today, hopefully we can get a big group shot when we go to our beach day on the 14th!

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