Sunday, June 5, 2011

Awards night

WHEW, today was a busy day!  Busier than our normal busy, LOL.  AWANA Awards 2011 001This morning I had Serving Hearts at church and today I choose to serve in with the Big Kids Sunday School.  What a lively bunch of kiddos, and I mean that in the nicest way possible.  You see, I am trying to find my NICHE where God wants me to serve.  I know it’s with the kids but which age group, that is the question? I’ll keep you posted.


Well, like I said, it was Awards night for gymnastics, cheerleading, and AWANA.  Cheer awards were canceled and rescheduled for Monday because of the storm that moved through the area early this morning, it brought much needed rain.  I think the girls and the Lt. ate enough hot dogs, hamburgers and sweets today to last them a month.  I, on the other hand stuck to my new rule of B.Y.O.F after my last bout of food poisoning. 2010-2011 gymnastics awards 002

Madison and Mikayla both received a big trophy for making it to State and for completing the season as Level 4’s.  Mikayla also received and award for best strength and Flexibility for the season out of all the team level girls, 4-7.  I think her new nickname should be Gumby instead of Lil’Bit. It is still up in the air as to whether they both will advance to level 5 or not.  No matter what happens we are all so proud of you both, way to Go!!!

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We then came home to regroup and then head off to AWANA awards.  It came down to the wire but Mikayla said her last Sparky section with 5 verses tonight to earn her 3rd book ribbon and Sparky Plaque. Madison received a participation award for this year while Montana finished up her 2nd year as a Cubbie and received her Blue Ribbon and a new Bible for Sparks.  Wow! I can’t believe Montana is going to be a Sparky next year…I remember dropping her off at Puggles just like it was yesterday.  My babies are growing up…too fast!!!

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How was your weekend???

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