Thursday, May 19, 2011

Impaled in the trenches of motherhood surrounded by books

May misc 002      Catchy title, huh?!? Monday night I was walking downstairs around 1030PM to get my homeschool binder when I stepped off the stairs right on top of this. db_main_1

OUCH!!!! To say that it hurt would be an understatement! You guessed it, I impaled my foot on those tiny wire bristles.  I managed to hobble back upstairs bleeding with a throbbing foot while the Lt. tended to my wound with peroxide.  I will spare you the gruesome photos of my foot, but let’s just say I am now walking around with a limp and I still have little circle indentations where the brush didn’t pierce the skin.  I couldn’t even take McKenzie to her gymnastics class on Tuesday because of my injury but we did make it to the Scholastic book fair, more on that later.  No one fessed up to leaving the brush there but the girls were very apologetic in the morning for my ordeal.


Can I just say that cutting your 12 month old molars at 20 months really stinks. This normally happy, go lucky little girl is miserable at times.  Poor girl…May misc 085

May misc 014This past weekend the girls and I headed up North to attend a Mystery tea with our Auntie. We all had a blast and there were some pretty snazzy hats in attendance. No showstoppers like Princess Beatrice’s, but fancy nonetheless.  Here is our Auntie in her Pretty Woman hat.

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Isn’t she lovely??? I didn’t get any pictures of the tables as I was trying to control McKenzie from taking the pretty little cupcakes cookies and devouring them.

Mikayla ended up bringing 5 dresses in the suitcase, she couldn’t decide which dress to wear until the day of, McKenzie fell out of the bed in the middle of the night on Friday and I somehow fell out of the bed too trying to catch her.  Thank goodness neither of us was injured in the process.  All in all we had a grand time and I won a prize.  I ended up winning the centerpiece at our table which was a teapot with flowers in it.  We also each took home a tea cup to match the teapot.  The girls and I have visions of sipping hot chocolate in the fall (we don’t drink tea) while having our read alouds or weekly school meetings.

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Montana loves her cousin-dog, Sebastian!  She now has decided that he needs to come to our house to stay for a little bit. She even has a life size replica of him at our house, but she wants the real deal.  I remember when we first moved here and she was scared of him, but that only last 3 days and now they are the best of buds.  See McKenzie back there, she is not scared of him that much anymore either.  She likes to hold his leash and shake her finger at him an say, “No, no!”  She also learned how to say “stop” while we were there.  Her words are coming, slowly but surely.May misc 052               I can’t wait to get our dog! We have narrowed our choices down even more so now I am checking prices and trying to find a breeder.  I know that our dog will be just as love as our favorite cousin-dog!

ikea Who could make a trip up North without visiting one of our favorite stores, IKEA!  We all love that store, well maybe not the Lt. as much as the girls and I do.  We have found some pretty good finds there, some that even lasted for years and a cross country move.  I haven’t quite found what I am looking for and I may not find it at this store, but I am patient and I when I see it I will know.

We  did end up May misc 074making it to the book fair as I mentioned earlier. We came home with a lot of books and I spent way less than I did last year which is always a good thing, YAY!  I had a budget and came way under to it so that is always good.  Montana will be learning how to read in the very near future so May misc 076I was pleasantly surprised to see how many early reader books they had this year. She is pretty excited and I am excited that she is excited! Now,  I need to make room for these books plus the ones that will be arriving with our curriculum for next year. Speaking of curriculum I am in the final tweak and peak process of narrowing down our choices for next year.  I have my budget set out and I am close to having my full amount saved for so I can pay cash for everything.  I have bought a few things already because of sales and whatnot, but I am keeping a close eye on my tally. I think if I can make it through the Convention without too many impulse buys I will be right on target. I hope to share with you our Plan of Study for the 2011 ~ 2012 school year on Friday, because your dying to know, right?I’m also in the process of setting up a database of all our books and tagging them for easy reference. Not a small feat but I am hoping to have it done by August when we start school again, we’ll see…

That’s been my week so far, how is yours shaping up?

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