This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Friday, May 20, 2011

2011 ~ 2012 Plan of study

 F. at library             
I can’t believe we just finished up of 2nd year homeschooling!  Can I tell you a secret?!!!  I hear people tell me all the time that they can’t handle having their children home over the summer, let alone all day, Everyday.  Wow, that is pretty sad, huh? I have run across naysayers along the way who bring discouragement and I have tried to let it roll off my back.  That is a learning process for me, I am working on it with lots of prayer! 
We had a whirlwind of a year  in 2010 - 2011 but we finished on a great strong note.  I have finally figured out our “style” and the direction I want to take the girls on.  We started transitioning to a classical approach about January this year and we love it! It just makes sense to me and the girls are enjoying it too. 
Marie is my rising 9th grader, GULP! I had a lot of trepidation with processing that my baby, is entering high school. How can that be?!?  I have done A LOT of reading, praying, researching, praying, and talking with seasoned moms who have been there, done that to get her a strong 4 year college prep plan scheduled out.  I am confident  that I can get this job done and will call on the one who hears my prayers if the going gets tough. 
Here is our finalized plan of study for the 2011 – 2012 school year:
Marie ~ 9th (Freshman year)
Jan misc. 2011-265 056Bible History 110, 1 cr                                                                                        
~ Behold your God
~ Sonlight 110
English & Composition I, 1.5 cr                                                             
~ Sonlight American Historical Literature 130
~ Sonlight Writing
~Rod & Staff 9/10, book 1
History, 1 cr                                               
 ~ Sonlight Core 100: American History 120
Math, 1 cr                                                                                                  
   ~Chalk dust Algebra 1*
Science (Honors), 1.5 cr
~ Apologia Biology with living books & movies
Foreign Language, 2 cr
~Rosetta Stone Spanish 1 using MFW schedule
~Latin: Henle I
Logic, 1 cr
~ Traditional Logic 1
Typing, .5 cr (1st semester)
~Typing for Christian Service
PE, .5 cr
~ Competitive cheerleading, 2 –3 X’s a week
Total credits: 10.0 credits
* Marie took Algebra 1 in 8th grade but the Lt. and I have decided that she has not mastered the material to our standards so we are going to do a major review with a different program.
Madison ~ 5th
Jan misc. 2011-265 040 Bible
~Positive Action for Christ - Building Life Castles
~AWANA TNT ultimate challenge
Language Arts
~ Rod & Staff 5
~Rod & Staff Spelling 6
~A Reason for Writing, F
~Writing With Ease, Level 4
~ Reading lists
~Saxon, 6/5
~Menu Math
~Tapestry of Grace DE, Year 1 (Upper Grammar level)
~Poetry & Memory work using The Matrix
~Elemental Science – Biology (Logic stage)
~Health for the Glory of God
~Building Thinking Skills, Lvl 2
~Mind Benders
Latin for Children, Primer A
Foreign Language
~Spanish for Children, A * spread out over two years*
~Young Scholar’s Guide to Composers
~Art projects for Kids
~How to Teach Art to Children
~The Worlds Greatest Artist
Digitial Photography
~Level 4 competitive gymnastics team, 12+ hrs week

Mikayla ~ 3rd
Jan misc. 2011-265 005 Bible
Positive Action for Christ - Building Life Castles
Language Arts
~ Rod & Staff 3
~Rod & Staff Spelling 3
~A Reason for Writing, C
~Writing With Ease,  Level 2
~ Sonlight’s Grade 4-5 Readers 
~Reading lists
~Saxon 5/4
~Menu Math
~Tapestry of Grace DE, Year 1 (Lower Grammar  level using SOTW Yr 1 as Spine)
~Poetry & Memory work using The Matrix
~Elemental Science
– Biology (Logic stage)
~Proper Manners and Health Habits
~Building Thinking Skills, Lvl 1
~Mind Benders
Latin for Children, Primer A
~Young Scholar’s Guide to Composers
~Art projects for Kids
~How to Teach Art to Children
~The Worlds Greatest Artist
~Level 5 competitive gymnastics team, training with Level 7/8 girls, 18+ hrs week
Montana~ Kindergarten*
mento gyser-kitchen paint 043*We are officially opting Montana out of starting Kindergarten in our school district for there records, but she will be doing Kindergarten work*
~Positive Action for Christ –Learning about God
~AWANA Sparks
~Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading
~ Lots of reading
~A Reason for Handwriting, K
~Saxon 1
~Elemental Science-Intro to Science
~Song School Latin * spread out over 3 years*
Suzuki Piano
Gymnastics, Advanced Bears 1.5 hrs/week

McKenzie ~ Tot School
June misc 057
~ lots of reading and exploring
~ Reach For the Stars Toddler
~ Before Five in a Row
~ Gymnastics, Mommy & Me class, 1 hr/week

And any other blessing we receive as we sail for our second year with the TOS Homeschool Crew. 
So, what are your curriculum plans?  Don’t forget to come back next week and check out our updated school room!
I am linking this up with Weird Unscocialized Homeschoolers – 2011 Curriculum Special Edition Weekly Wrap Up, Not Back To School Blog hop
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