This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

We made it to STATE


Whoa!!! It came down to the wire and last apparatus, vault, for Madison, but both girls are moving on to the Level 4 State meet in May.  The Lt. and I couldn’t be any prouder, what a feat!

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Competition was tough once again, but this morning you were only competing against yourself. There are no individual medal positions at a sectional meet. It’s all you, make it or break it. Coach Natalie has prepared them well and it showed in all of our teammates as they competed.  She was there with a reassuring voice when they stumbled and fell, and helped pick up their confidence, that they could DO this. Thanks Coach Natalie!!!


Let’s just face it, I was a nervous wreck the whole time.  I was up at 4AM, because I was afraid of oversleeping. We had to be out of the house and on the road no later than 645AM to get to the meet, a small feat with the little's, but with the Lt. driving we made it with more than enough time to spare. 

hurricane meet 2611 022A 

We were almost faced with the possibility of only having Mikayla make the State meet today, it was not a pleasant feeling.  The qualifying score to make the State meet is  33.00 or better. Going into the final rotation of vault, Mikayla needed only a 7.425 to break the 33.00 point barrier, Madison on the other hand, needed to score an 8.50 or better…which she is fully capable of, but she was just a little “off” today from a fall on beam and forgetting to salute the judges before leaving the floor.  That girl has a good head on her shoulders, and a great coach, because she composed herself and blew us all away and scored a 9.30,the highest score of our team for the entire meet!!! I could have jumped out of my seat with that score, yahoo!!!!  Man, it was a beautiful vault! If I can figure out how to put the video on the blog I will…but man it was sweet. She had her toes perfectly pointed and she put her best effort in when it counted the most! That was her first 9.0+ or better for the whole season, Way to go Madison!!!! 

Madison's 2011Sectional Results:

vault ~ 9.30 ***personal best***

bars ~ 8.60

beam ~ 7.850

floor ~ 8.050

AA ~ 33.80

Mikayla scored a personal best on vault today with a 9.150, bum knee and all.  By the way, we go to the doctor’s on Tuesday for the knee issue. Right now she is wearing an elbow brace on her knee, because she is a toothpick and a regular size brace won’t even fit her thigh.  It is working out swell and giving just right amount of support, but it will be interesting to hear what the Orthopedic doctor thinks.

Mikayla’s 2011 Sectional Results:

vault ~ 9.150 ***season best***

bars ~ 8.575

beam ~ 8.700

floor ~ 8.300

AA ~ 34.725

We went out to dinner and ice cream to celebrate, but no pictures, my camera battery died, UGH!!!  8.5 weeks from now I will be spending my Mother’s Day the best way I can think of…

IMG_1013  watching my girls compete for the State title. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend the day!

Montana is watching and waiting for her turn…soon baby, soon!IMG_0933

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