This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

TOS Review ~ Maestro Classics - Peter and the Wolf


Back in December we were sent a copy of Maestro Classics ~ Peter and the Wolf CD and we have been listening to it on the way to co-op…and gymnastics… and just about any other place we go. The girls love it, and I can’t complain too much either since I’m quite fond of the story and classical music myself.

The Mission Statement from the website says:
Maestro Classics™ is the ambassador of great music for both children and adults, helping them experience the art form in new and exciting ways. Through wondrous new recordings, innovative educational and performance materials, and uplifting live performances, Maestro Classics™ guides audiences as they expand their listening horizons and discover the magic that can only be called music.

Peter and the Wolf was written by Russian composer, Sergei Prokofiev, where the instruments in the composition represent the people and animals in the story. It’s a fun way to learn about different musical instruments and the orchestra while exposing your child to classical music.

Each series has three significant benefits:

  1. To expand listening horizons ~ the series of recordings introduces the listener to an orchestra's magical sounds and awe-inspiring power, and helps them understand that music can be dramatic, can paint pictures, and is often filled with humor.
  2. To hone listening skills and accumulate musical memories~ the musical discussions will sharpen listening skills of children and adults alike, the discussion of the story will promote conversation about human values, and the musical work will leave each listener whistling a new tune.
  3. To encourage adults and children to listen to music together ~the very young will listen for the story, the slightly older child will enjoy the music, and the adult will be surprised how much he/she has learned.

PETER_new_coverThe CD  includes a 24-page program book and 7 tracks about the composer, conductor, narrator, various instruments, and more. Also included are fun little activities in the program booklet including a dot-to-dot, matching, and a crossword puzzle.

Peter and the Wolf is the recipient of 3 different awards.

1. 2007 Parents Choice Award
2. Nappa Gold Award
3. Dr. Toy Award for the top 10 best audio-video products

Individual CDs are available to purchase from Maestro Classic for $16.99 or you can purchase three CDs for $45.00.  The following stories are available.

  • The Tortoise and the Hare
  • The Story of Swan Lake
  • Juanita The Spanish Lobster
  • Casey at the Bat
  • Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel
  • The Sorcerer’s Apprentice

We thoroughly enjoyed this CD and I foresee us having many hours of listening pleasure. The girls have requested additional titles so I will definitely be taking advantage of the 3 CD offer within the next month. The only problem we will have is deciding on which 3 CDs to pick. To see what the other members of the  Homeschool Crew thought, click here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   I am a member of The Old Schoolhouse 2010-2011 Crew and as such received a copy of Maestro Classics~Peter and the Wolf in exchange for a thorough and honest review.  Though I am compensated with free products, I am not compensated in the form of cash for my reviews.  The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but are not influenced by the company or the free product provided .

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