This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

52 things

I am a list maker. I like to have things written down in front of me so I can physically check them off when done.  I admit that sometimes my lists give birth to new lists, but that just keeps things interesting right? Sprittibee says “Lists are living, breathing, always-changing reminders of things that you don't want to forget about... things that are important to you.” and I couldn't agree more.
Today I am linking up my list of 52 things with Spritiibee’s Big Fat Annual List. I think my list is manageable and compact. So without further adieu here is my list.
52 Things for 2011 
  1. daily time with God ~ prayer journal
  2. Read the Bible in 90 days
  3. find a new doctor & go
  4. start running
  5. join a church service group
  6. simplify our life
  7. de-clutter & organize the house ~ donate or giveaway
  8. drop the last of my baby weight
  9. go back to school
  10. re-learn my Stenography theory
  11. read a book a month (or more)
  12. be writing at least 80 wpm on steno machine by the end of Dec.
  13. learn to digiscrap and do a page a month
  14. complete 2011 project 365
  15. menu plan weekly
  16. paint/decorate each of the girls room
  17. paint/decorate the master bedroom
  18. do the Love Dare for my Lt.
  19. get caught up with grading/recording/personal portfolios
  20. create our long term course of study for the high school years with Marie’s input
  21. attend state homeschool conference
  22. stick to motivated moms chore planner
  23. read 5 homeschool related books
  24. purge emails/ yahoo groups ~ keep inboxs cleaned
  25. work on photography skills
  26. add weekly art projects to curriculum
  27. plant garden
  28. teach girls to sew
  29. sell WA State house
  30. encourage/help Marie create label/creations
  31. weekly tot school/preschool posts
  32. start and maintain family home management binder
  33. print digital photos ~ put inside albums
  34. learn to use iPod
  35. Let go of the 4 star Admiral position and let the Lt. lead (so excited to relinquish this now that we are completing our 4 years of sea duty and heading to shore duty- 4years/4, 7 1/2 month deployments)
  36. cook more from scratch
  37. keep kitchen counter clean daily
  38. make window coverings
  39. have a monthly date with the Lt.
  40. go on 6 fieldtrips
  41. steam clean the carpets
  42. make my 2011 Christmas cards
  43. set up and use Homeschool Tracker +
  44. use checkbook register instead of relying on my superb memory :-)
  45. make checkbook registers for the girls
  46. modify budget
  47. organize/catalog books
  48. sew new cloth napkins
  49. establish regular bedtime routines
  50. learn Photoshop
  51. build better relationships
  52. do something for ME monthly
What are some of your goals for 2011? Link up at Sprittibee’s and share your list.
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