This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Friday, December 31, 2010

A year in blogging review

It’s been a blessed year! The Lt. completed his 4th deployment in 4 years (come on February-SHORE DUTY here we come!!!), McKenzie had her eye surgery, each of the girls made great strides in school and sports, and we all lived to see another birthday.
I saw this great way to reflect on my year of blogging posted over at Tracy's and knew I wanted to participate.  Simply post the title or first sentence of your first blog post from each month. Add a favorite picture from each month, even if it doesn’t match up with post. In my case because of my sometimes sporadic posting I did the first post of the month.
Here I go…
My year in blogging review
January ~ 365 ~001
misc 105
February ~Sleeping baby
6mo Faith FEB
March ~ Life
March-Easter2010 011
April ~ WannaBe 
april misc 012
May ~ Hi!
June ~Chosen
July ~ Happy 4th of July
August ~ Wordless Wednesday-almost
FAITH ears bday, OBX vacation 116
September ~ I eat books
misc 018
October ~ A new fiscal year
ER Montana 008
November ~ Candy Day recap-full of pictures
December ~Wordless Wednesday
RS baptism Christmas card photo2010 009 RS baptism Christmas card photo2010 016
From the fullness of His grace
we have all received one blessing after another.
~John 1:16
Here’s to blogging more regularly in 2011.
Happy New Year!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bible in 90 days


I am starting my journey to get closer to God and taking another shot at reading the Bible in 90 days. Yep, I started out really strong earlier this year Jan. 2010), but by day 30ish I was falling behind. The Lt. was recently deployed and I was feeling the pressure of being a single mom for the next 6 months with 5 kids and everything that comes with that. So, I fell off. But I am dusting myself off and starting anew Jan. 3rd.

This is part of my word for 2011…to GRoW in my walk with my Savior. To have that close intimate relationship with Him.  I plan on getting back into the routine of having my daily quiet time at 5 AM. By rising at this time I can spend time with the Lt. before he leaves for work and also have complete quietness until 7AM when the girls awake.

Have you ever wanted to read the entire Bible? Well, here’s your chance. 90 days…1 hour a day…Are you game???

Hop on over to Amy’s from Mom’s Toolbox there’s still time to sign up.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

my word ~ 2011

It's that time again…a time to look back at the past year and evaluate our progress. Our successes and our short comings.  A time to look forward to a clean slate of the New Year.

I have spent the last few days thinking of one word that will describe what I want to accomplish in the upcoming year of 2011.  I wanted to find the perfect word that would summarize my whole theme. Yet, I kept coming back to four areas of my life that I want to improve on. I wrote them down and pondered on them for some time.  Then, in the middle of a sleepless night I realized that my theme word was right before my eyes all along.





love-wallpaperimage credit:

1 John 4:19 ~ We love because He first loved us.

All of these words are strong, tangible, action words that I will go into more depth on within the coming weeks as I start to put my goals into action.

What’s your word for 2011?

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry CHRISTmas 2010


baptism CHRIST 2010 PRT 1 060

from our HOME to yours

from our HEART to yours

Merry CHRISTmas!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

TOS Review~ Tiny Planets

Tiny Planets is the award-winning educational computer program set in space exploration and discovery, geared towards getting the creative and critical thinking juices flowing in kids aged 4 to 12. 

BingBong“Tiny Planets features the cosmic adventures of Bing and Bong, two whimsical aliens who travel the Universe of Tiny Planets together on their gadget-loaded plush sofa. With Bing and Bong, children are encouraged to think for themselves, assume social responsibility, take care of our planet and learn about the mysteries of space.  Inspire your child to take care of our planet!”

To get started on your adventure you need to sign up for a free Cadet account for your child. This account allows you access all the wonders Tiny Planets universe has to offer.


Tiny Planets Home is the central location to access the Tiny Planets web sites. Online content from Tiny Planets has won two BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) awards Interactive Best Entertainment Website and Best Children’s Interactive).

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On Tiny Planets TV you can watch any of the Tiny Planets television episodes. Co-created with Sesame Workshop and emphasizing science education and early learning goals this series promotes:

  • language and literacy
  • social and emotional development
  • knowledge and understanding of our world,
  • problem-solving and reasoning
  • creative development
Planet sites offer oodles of fun! And an important thing to mention is that Tiny Planets  have designed there sites to be add-free.  If your child is leafing through an interactive book  or watching an episode on Tiny Planets TV, they can safely navigate on there own.  There’s no need to worry about small hands navigating to scary content.   

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Tiny Planets Learning is our site for parents, homeschoolers, and educators. Here you’ll find lesson plans that include educational activities and science experiments to do at home.

Some of the interactive learning in this section include:

*Children can adopt and care for their own planet

*Solve galactic missions with Bing and Bong

*Sharpen their wits with fast-paced mini-games

*Navigate their spaceships and avoid wormholes

*Nurture exotic plants in a biodome

*Recycle and collect water during rainstorms

* Help keep neighboring planets clean

All the while your children will be earning achievements and special badges for their accomplishments in learning.

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Tiny Planets Labs is the playground for things to come!  When new games are created they are put into the labs site for you to test them out.

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On Tiny Planets Fun your child can take a few moments to enjoy brainy puzzle games (like fractions, sound and seek, and symmetry), as well as coloring books and comics.

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Tiny Planets Books offers interactive story books for younger children featuring Bing and Bong. Read these books with your child, or teach your child to read on her own!

 Tiny Planets is essentially a free site with the option to purchase KEYS, which allow you to purchase more TV shows and extra things for your planets. This program was an O.K. fit for our family. I do however, recommend you check it out for yourself and see if it fits for your family. It peaked Madison’s interest right away as she is all about space. She had a good time surfing around the site and exploring all it has to offer.  Check out what my fellow crewmates had to say!


I am a member of The Old Schoolhouse 2010-2011 Crew and as such received a subscription to Tiny Planets in exchange for a thorough and honest review.  Though I am compensated with free products, I am not compensated in the form of cash for my reviews.  The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but are not influenced by the company or the free product provided .

Monday, December 13, 2010



When we first started looking at homeschooling the girls, I was blown away at how many choices there were for math curriculum.  We have been lucky that it didn't take us a long time to find a program that works for us. I love to supplement here and there just to give a new approach to teaching/learning different concepts.  As a ember of the Old Schoolhouse crew I received a month subscription to ALEKS to try out.

What is ALEKS???  That is the same thing I asked myself when I first heard of the company. ALEKS is an acronym for Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces. 

ALEKS is a Research-Based Online Program:

  • Complete Curriculum Solution for Math with Access to Full Course Library
  • No Textbook Required
  • Artificial Intelligence Targets Gaps in Student Knowledge
  • Assessment and Individualized Learning for Grades 3-12
  • Master Account Includes Quizzing and Automated Reports to Monitor Learning Progress
  • Unlimited Online Access - PC and Mac Compatible
  • QuickTables - Complimentary Math Fact Mastery Program for Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction


From the beginning each student is initially assessed and then placed in the appropriate math level. As the student moves through the level they are continually assessed and challenged, moving forward toward completion of each math level.  Periodic assessments keep track of topics learned, and when the student is ready to move to the next level, ALEKS notifies the parent or teacher. If your child already has a firm grasp on a topic, they don't have to work on it; they can move on. No need to “master” a topic over again.


Each of your registered students has their own account and when they log in, any concepts that need to be reviewed will be the first thing they work on.  The student can then look at their "pie" ~ which is the major tool the ALEKS math program uses to motivate students to continue on in their work. The "pie" is a simple pie chart that clearly displays the student's progress. At any time the student or  mom/dad can quickly see what has been learned, what has yet to be learned, and which math topic needs the most focus.


ALEKS offers math courses for students in grades 3-12, as well as higher education classes such as college algebra, business math, accounting, statistics, chemistry, and more. Math facts drills – Quick Tables are included with the elementary-level courses. ALEKS is a subscription based program that ranges in price from $19.99 a month, to $99.95 for 6 months and $179.95 for 12 full months service. Have you got more than one student? Well, click here to view multi-student pricing.

We found ALEKS to be a great supplement to our current math program. I loved the way that the girls could get that extra reinforcement when needed and see material presented in a different way. I would recommend this program hands down if you are looking for a stand alone math program or as a supplement.  Check out what my crewmates had to say about the ALEKS program here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   I am a member of The Old Schoolhouse 2010-2011 Crew and as such received a subscription to ALEKS in exchange for a thorough and honest review.  Though I am compensated with free products, I am not compensated in the form of cash for my reviews.  The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but are not influenced by the company or the free product provided .

9 days!

9 days to my 2 year blogoversary, Wowzsers !!!! Thanks for following along everyone. After Wednesday (12/15) I should be grounded again and will be able to post again daily, well at least more frequently than I have been posting in the last two months :-) Stay tuned, I’ve got something for you…

Friday, December 10, 2010

TOS Review~ Apologia Press: Good Morning, God

GoodmorningGod If you know me then you know I love a good book. Sometimes it can be so hard to find books that are good and instill Godly values for children. Well, Good Morning, God  written by Davis Carman, from Apologia Press has done just that. This hard-bound book takes you through the week and tells the story of a 4 year-old boy as he wakes up each day and goes to bed each night. What a great story to teach your child to remember God throughout each and every day.

Good Morning, God sells for $14.00 and is recommended for children ages 1-8.  Also included is  a set of questions and activities to answer for each day of the week and to reinforce the reading.  We thoroughly enjoyed this  book and my 4 year-old requested it several nights for her bedtime book! Want a sneak peak? Click HERE and enjoy the first 12 pages!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   I am a member of The Old Schoolhouse 2010-2011 Crew and as such received Good Morning, God from Apologia Press in exchange for a thorough and honest review.  Though I am compensated with free products, I am not compensated in the form of cash for my reviews.  The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but are not influenced by the company or the free product provided .

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mommytography 2011


I am signing up to participate in the 2011 Mommytography 365 Project! I signed up for this current year too,  but then life got busy and I didn’t finish… so, I am getting serious for the next year and I am going to finish what I started. I want to really concentrate on my photography for 2011 and this will help me do that.

For this year long project I will be posting an image a day, to get me out shooting, using my camera and learning new things with it daily. Anyone interested in photography can join, no need to be a Mommytographer. We have teens to adults, male and female, as well as people from all over the world. Come join the fun!

chat later!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010