This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Weekly Wrap Up~ 1st quarter’s done, wk 9

weekly_wrap-up Wow, 9 weeks done and in the bag! We started out kind of rough but now I think we will have smooth sailing. This week we have been able to actually stay at home so that has been really nice. At first Madison & Mikayla were supposed to be off from gymnastics practice on Monday because their level coach was going on vacation, but the top dog, head coach stepped up and said PRACTICE WILL GO ON! I tried really hard not to groan out loud, I was really looking forward to a day off of practice. Nonetheless, I drove them Monday and wouldn’t you know it Mikayla got her front hip circle on the uneven bars. Way to go Mikayla!

sun eygpt 096Mikayla wrapped up her trial run of TOG Egyptian study and it was great! I think this program will fit really nicely for all the girls next year. This week we made our salt dough map of the Nile River, which we are currently letting  dry out. Mikayla has also decided to be the Egyptian Queen Nefertiti for Candy Day and she also earned her Rank patch and her first red jewel at Awana on Sunday night, awesome possum!

oct. misc 006 Madison is also flying through her TNT book at Awana. She has already earned her first level dog bone. This week Madison informed me that she no longer wishes to do her Sonlight Core 3 History because she wants to work on the Prairie Primer and Little House series with Mikayla. After picking my jaw up off the floor and much prayer, I have decided to just put the Core 3 away and combine them. It will be much easier on me and I found a neat resource for combing some of the novels from Core 3 with TOG for next year.

ay-botanical gardens 008Math and Science are going really well for Marie. She is plugging away at Algebra 1 with great success. I am so glad that I was able to purchase the Saxon Dive CD for both her and Madison for lesson instruction.  Marie also  excels in science and has scored a 95% or better on her first 3 module tests! Way to go, Marie!!!

jelly beans GS END of Sept 2010 076Montana is doing so great at learning her letters. She is very adamant right now about writing her name. This stems from her Awana Cubbie leader sending her home with the wrong paper. She talked about that paper the whole week and kept telling us she was taking it back because it was not hers! Funny thing is she can almost spell her last name with the letters she has learned because she already knows how to make an “A”, so she has been writing Caffe on her papers. These past nine weeks she has learned the letters, L, F, T, H, E, and  C. We had two review weeks and the week she was sick she didn’t do any formal schooling. She loves being a Daisy Girl Scout and singing the Make New Friends Song,

jelly beans GS END of Sept 2010 052

My McKenzie is B-U-S-Y, but I wouldn’t have it any other way! She is growing and communicating now through sign language, love it! She also has learned the art of climbing which is not all that fun for me since she loves to climb on the school room table and date stamp herself and the table. I plan on officially starting her Itty Bitty Tot School in November.

We have a week break next week for me to plan the next 9 weeks and get Candy Day costumes done. Did I ever mention I am the queen of procrastination. My goal is to be done by Thursday night, well see. This morning the Lt. and I went running, something I haven’t done in a long time and it felt really good. I was sucking air so hard at the end  but I finished and I almost lost my pants in the process. Note to self, don’t wear big sweat pants. I have lost a dress size since giving up my soda addiction so that is super sweet. I am hoping to be pre- baby size by the new year. I am also planning a school room redo so stay tuned for the new look within the next few weeks. That’s all folks, how was your week?

Head on over to Jaime's, she is hosting the Weekly Wrap Up this week while Kris is away at Relevant.

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