This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Review ~ Alphabotz Superphonic Decoder Cards

Have you heard of Alphabotz? A few weeks ago I contacted the company that makes the Alphabotz Superphonic Decorder Cards for review purposes. I jumped for joy when I spoke with Nicole and she sent me a set of their cards for review.

alphabotz-cadie 4th bday 019 So just who are Alphabotz?

The Alphabotz are a lively set of 46 characters that were developed by a teacher and parent to personify the sounds of the English language in a unique and fun way. The story of the Alphabotz begins with young Ben Letterman who attends Marmaduke Stanford Choke Academy. One day while in the library, the stern libraian, Miss Spella de Books calls on Ben to read aloud. Ben has a secret though, he can’t read! Feeling embarrassed he runs from the room into the old Reference Room where we discovers a golden book shining brightly in the dark. The cover of the book had an elaborate lock, gears, and a wheel with letters on it. As Ben touches the book, the wheel and gears start to turn and a bookcase magically opens up to reveal a secret hidden staircase where out pop several little robots called ALPHABOTZ.  The Alphabotz take Ben on a fantastic adventure to help him unlock the secret code of reading.

Alphabotz help to reinforce early reading  skills by creating colorful and meaningful associations between letters and sounds with 12 fun-filled letter and sound games. This in turn helps to support the idea that letters equal sounds, sounds build into words, and then those words will tell you an amazing story. alphabotz-cadie 4th bday 033

It’s no wonder the Alphabotz have won mulitiple awards including Dr. Toy’s 100 Best Children’s Products. These cards are hands down fun and the song is so catchy that I find myself singing it right along with Montana. The cards are very sturdy  and come in there own storage case and the price is just right at $19.95. Right now they have a Back to School special where you get free shipping with your order!

alphabotz-cadie 4th bday 022Montana is in Pre-K this year and I knew when I first saw them that they would be a perfect compliment to our alphabet study. I have no complaints from her when I pull out the Alphabotz cards for our daily review. She has an eagerness to learn her letters and the sounds each makes.  Her favorite card right now is the hard “C”, Coco.  She loves the cupcake, and she knows that is the first letter of her name too.


This is how excited Montana gets when she gets to use her Alphabotz Superphonic Decoder Cards for school. Major emphasis on F-U-N!!! These are definitely not your Grandma’s Flash cards!alphabotz-cadie 4th bday 040


I  received a set of Alphabotz Superphonic Decoder Cards in exchange for a thorough and honest review.  Though I was compensated with a free products, I was not compensated in the form of cash for my reviews.  The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but are not influenced by the company or the free product provided .

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