Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I eat books

eat_book I used to be a ferocious reader - I ate books…well practically! Funny thing is when I would get in trouble as a child I would get grounded from reading! Somewhere along the way, it slipped to the wayside with everything else that needed to be done. Lately it’s been a battle of Read vs. Sleep…

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more often than not SLEEP won.

Sure I read everyday but mainly my reading has been centered on reading chapters of the Bible and devotionals, read a-louds for the girls’ school, magazine articles, and blog posts. I am ready to rekindle the love I have of reading, I want more!  I need to discipline myself to get back into reading. No, I need to discipline myself to getting to bed on time so that I do have time to read.

So, to kick off this months 12 Things I decided to challenge myself to read 12 books in 12 months.  To get back into it slowly.  I wanted to use books to help me in my Christian walk, my homemaker skills, and books just for enjoyment.  Here's what I came up with in no particular order:

I have decided to read Passionate Housewives Desperate For God first. Do you have a love of reading? What good books have you read lately? I would love to hear your recommendations so I can continue to add to my list.

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