Friday, August 20, 2010

Weekly Wrap Up: 1 week down…35 to go


Allie visit first day school August 16,2010 022 We made it! One week down, only 35 more weeks to go. All in all it  went GREAT!!!         

Allie visit first day school August 16,2010 020Montana was up early everyday and ready for school at          7:30 A.M. We started our first week of preschool with letter “L”. McKenzie decided she wanted in on some coloring action. More like gnawing on crayons, but she looks so cute in the chair.

Allie visit first day school August 16,2010 076Allie visit first day school August 16,2010 007

Monday, my little-big sister, Auntie Allie, came to visit before heading back to Boston University for her last year of school. WhoHoo Allie! She drove down all by her lonesome and only had a little mishap with the gas station, LOL! It was like Christmas for the girls because she came bearing gifts, thank you so much Grandpa Kemp!Allie visit first day school August 16,2010 010

School wise we got everything done and scheduled this week except Spanish and Science which we will start in September. We did get all of History done for everyone, so I was really excited about that, especially since I am teaching 3 different time periods!!! After much prayer and advice, I decided that I am switching my 2nd grader, Mikayla to Saxon Math 3 instead of 2.  Come Monday we will start fresh with Saxon 3.

We are still on summer schedule here as far as extracurricular activities are concerned. Madison and Mikayla have gymnastics practice Tues and Friday for 5 hours each day through the end of August. Then come September we switch to 3 day/ week practices. Want to know something pretty neat? We started off with 11 girls who made the level 4 team, we are now down to 5 girls, and all 5 girls are Homeschoolers!!! We get to have a day practice freeing up one evening a week. WHOHOO!!!

Another awesome thing that I found out this week is that our AWANA program is switching from Wednesday nights to Sunday nights from 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. YAY!!! No more late Wednesday nights and struggling to get the girls moving for Thursday morning co-op.

CurriculumCleanOutButton Wednesday I spent some time cleaning off our shelves in anticipation of the Curriculum Clean Out over at Homeschool Creations. Don't forget to check back to see what I am cleaning out. I hope it will bless someone's family.

Allie visit first day school August 16,2010 046All in all we had a great week, I can’t wait for more! If you want to see what others are doing in their homeschool, head on over to Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers and check out the links.

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