Sunday, August 15, 2010

Not Back To School Hop ~ Meet my students


The Not Back To School Hop is in full swing over at The Heart of the Matter, have you linked up yet? Today is our first day of the 2010 ~ 2011 school year, come and meet my students.

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This is Marie, my 13 year old in 8th grade, did I just say that?! A TEEN, WOWZERS! I have such a hard time wrapping my mind around that. She is my cheerleader who loves fashion design and anything to do with drawing, painting and creating. You usually find her with her head in a book or on her laptop designing.

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Up next is Madison my 9 year old in the 4th grade. She’s the oldest of my competitive gymnasts. A quick thinker and very hands on learner. Lover of all things Space. She is ALWAYS singing. She can here a song once and be able to sing it to you perfectly.

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This is my 7 year old superstar, Mikayla. She is in the 2nd grade this year. My other competitive gymnast who is like Gumby. This girl is so flexible it’s scary at times. One flash of her sweet smile and you will be hooked on her. She is developing into a excellent reader and you will find her on her hands in the handstand position, all. the. time.

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Montana is my 3 year old preschooler. Can you tell she is excited to start preschool lessons this year?! Montana is always talking and thinking from the moment she awakes until she falls asleep at night. She loves to play computer games, Arthur especially, games and puzzles, and to snuggle up with a book. She is my last little gymnasts who is fearless. A bit stubborn at times, but aren't we all :-)

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Isn’t she just scrumptious! My baby girl McKenzie is growing up too fast!!! In two short weeks she will be a year old. SIGH…They grow so fast. Kenzie loves her new found walking freedom. She loves to get into explore everything and L-O-V-E-S to be outside. This year she is working on her baby signs and having FUN!

So, those are my peeps this year. So glad you stopped by to visit. You can check out our curriculum choices for the 2010 – 2011 year here and pictures of our schoolroom. Please leave a comment and let me know you were here, I would love to come by and check out your blog too!

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