Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wet Wednesday & a GIVEAWAY!!!

mento gyser-kitchen paint 124Today for Wet Wednesday we did the classic Steve Spangler’s Mento’s Diet Coke Geyser. The girls have been waiting patiently for this and the day has finally arrived. We went out at 930 A.M. because of the sweltering heat and humidity gripping our region.

We gathered supplies and headed out to start the experiments.mento gyser-kitchen paint 099 

Load em’ up…

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mento gyser-kitchen paint 144In honor of reaching 100+ followers we will have a giveaway, yay!!! It’s your turn to get into this classic fun. I have an  extra Geyser tube that I purchased to giveaway for one lucky follower. This set includes a Geyser tube, a roll of Mentos,  two (2) depth chargers (that can be filled with whatever your budding scientists wish to see if a reaction will take place), and a small packet of rock salt. All you need to supply is Diet Coke, ***we found that name brand soda works best***.

To enter you must be one of my followers, hence the 100+ follower giveaway. Leave a comment below and a way to contact you. Winner will be randomly picked and notified on Sat., July 17th. If chosen you have 3 days to contact me with your address.

Chat later!

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