This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Masterpiece Monday and more

12July2010 040Whew, I’ve been going a mile a minute lately! I need to listen to my own advice and slow down especially since I missed a field trip we were signed up for today (sorry Cheryl)!!!

This morning we ran errands and went to the store to go grocery shopping for the week. I am so happy to say that I think I have finally gotten a handle on our grocery budget. Today I came in way under budget even though I needed to get a few extras. My late night menu planning last night paid off.  McKenzie sat in the grocery cart and was enjoying the sights of the store, until the girls put her Gerber Crunchies in the basket, then she lost it. Thankfully I had some Crunchies in the diaper bag for her to eat. She was fine for a few aisles and then she got thirsty. Yep, I didn’t have a Sippy cup, so I had to get a juice box  pack and open one up for her to drink while we finished shopping.

When we got home McKenzie had her first tantrum while the girls and I were putting the groceries away. She just laid on the playroom floor and fussed and cried for about a minute, then she was fine and started playing with toys.

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12July2010 015For our masterpiece Monday project we actually had two activities to tackle this week.  First up was to melt down some extra crayons that we found while de-cluttering the study into little hockey pucks.

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The girls enjoyed picking out their colors for their crayon pucks and peeling off the paper.

Somehow we got off track and someone who will remain nameless said that the crayons were made from…Ear wax.

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The girls proceeded to have a little cat fight and spread the ear wax germs…Ahh, life with girls, I wouldn’t have it any other way!

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Into the greased muffin tins and in the 250* oven for 12-15 minutes. Montana kept watch…12July2010 086

When they were done we let them cool and they slid right out of the pan like butter.

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Our next project was to start our Ugly Monsters. I first saw this on Art Projects For Kids and knew the girls would enjoy this project, especially since they needed to drink 4 boxes of Capri Sun!

I paired them off and today we did the design and prep work.

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Montana was paired off with Madison, but she really didn't care about the design process…

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She was busy concentrating cutting with her scissors and tearing up the Styrofoam  cups.

Here are the Ugly Monsters after prep work. We will Paper Mache on Saturday, so they are ready for paint Monday.

I also let the girls do some Home Ec and make a batch of Chocolate Chip cookies, heavy of the chips, LOL Aunt Janice :-). They turned out really good!!!

12July2010 008 Chat later!

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