Saturday, July 31, 2010

A little about me

I am, first and foremost, a child of God, constantly pursuing life as He planned for me. Wife to M,  and mom to our 5 daughters and 1 baby boy who fill my heart with joy each and every day.

This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives.  I wear many hats in our family including chef and taxi. I am also on a journey to finish my court reporting studies.

I love to sing praises to the Savior who gives me strength and blesses me even though I never really deserved it.

Who could ask for anything more…I am a lucky girl.

Friday, July 30, 2010

2nd Annual Not Back-to-School Blog Hop


It’s coming!!! 4 weeks of homeschooling links to get you geared up and ready for your year. We participated last year when it was started by Darcy over at Life with my 3 Boybarians and it was so much fun seeing what everyone was using and doing in there homeschools. The torch is now being passed to the Heart of the Matter crew and I couldn’t be more excited. I have found a lot of great blogs to stalk  read and have made some great new friends.

Here’s this year’s schedule:

  • Monday, Aug 2 – Friday, Aug 6: Curriculum Week ~ You’ve worked so hard to pick the best for your students! Share what you’ve decided to use.
  • Monday, Aug 9 – Friday, Aug 13: School Room Week ~ share where you do school. Kitchen table? Dedicated school room? Show us!
  • Monday, Aug 16 – Friday, Aug 20: Student Photo Week ~it wouldn’t be a new year without a class picture!
  • Monday, Aug 23 – Friday, Aug 27: Day-in-the-Life Week ~ how does a typical day go in your homeschool?

See you there!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Love CSN Stores

Have you heard of CSN Stores?

British%20Isles%20Leg%20Dining%20Room%20Set%20in%20Merlot%20and%20ButtermilkThey have everything you need or possibly want for your home  in over 200 online stores. You can find anything from cookware to dining room sets  to toys or cribs and so much more!  CSN Stores is the place to go!

I am super excited for the chance to do a product review for CSN Stores.  Stay tuned to see what I review…

Chat later!


I received no compensation for posting this, however, I will receive a gift certificate to use for an upcoming product review. The opinions I give are mine and may differ from others but are not influenced by the company or the free product provided.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Happy 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13th Anniversary!!!!


I could not possibly love this man more than I do. He's so good to me, I’m a LUCKY girl!!!

Almost home, 2 days and a wakeup!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Join us ~ Statehood Postcard Swap

postcard swapI am so happy to finally get this post up. My girls are going to be studying American History and the 50 states, plus WA DC this school year. What better way to reinforce the geography than to get a postcard from each state.

How it works:

51 families (one from each state and D.C.) will swap postcards over the next year. Each state will have their own week and will send out 50 postcards, one to each state and D.C., during that week. We will go in the order of statehood (see below).  At the end of 51 weeks we will all have received a postcard from all 50 states plus D.C!


Please send postcards themed to the state that you live in. Walgreens and gas stations usually always have state postcards, but you are also free to make your own as well.  On the back of the postcards, please include 1 to 2 interesting facts or what you like most about living in your state in the message area .  Postage to send 50 postcards is approximately $15.

To join:

email me at mjcaffey7 (at) gmail (dot) com

I don’t want anyone to miss out so If you are interested, but your state is already taken, feel free to sign up for a neighboring state IF you know you will be able to get the cards for the swap. Otherwise send me an email anyways and with enough interest we can put together a second (or more) swap. 

***PLEASE PASS ALONG THIS INFO SO WE CAN GET OUR SPOTS FILLED ~ I will update the post as the spots fill***

1. Delaware ~ Nicole H.
December 7, 1787

2. Pennsylvania ~ Rana @ Free To Learn and Lovin It
December 12, 1787

3. New Jersey ~ Catherine @ Our Village is a Little Different
December 18, 1787

4. Georgia ~ Jennifer @ Sergeant Major Mom
January 2, 1788

5. Connecticut ~ OPEN
January 9, 1788

6. Massachusetts ~ Jacquelin @ A Stable Beginning
February 6, 1788

7. Maryland ~ Adele Z. 
April 28, 1788

8. South Carolina ~ Kellyann @ Walking Home 
May 23, 1788

9. New Hampshire ~ OPEN
June 21, 1788

10. Virginia ~ Jacquelin @ A Stable Beginning                            June 25, 1788

11. New York ~Sarah @The ramblings and adventures of a SAHM  
July 26, 1788

12. North Carolina ~ Melissa @ Grace Christian Homeschool 
November 21, 1789

13. Rhode Island ~ Shawon @ Set Apart To Serve Academy  
May 29, 1790

*** Washington DC ~ Lexi @ Pink and Orange Coffee             
July 16, 1790

14. Vermont ~ OPEN
March 4, 1791

15. Kentucky ~ Lori @ Loving Learning at Home

June1, 1792

16. Tennessee ~ Jennifer @ Milk & Honey Mommy 
June 1, 1796

17. Ohio ~ Tristan @ Our Busy Homeschool 
March 1, 1803

18. Louisiana ~ Kellye @ One Mom’s Walk
April 30, 1812

19. Indiana ~ Monica @ Discover Their Gifts 
December 11, 1816

20. Mississippi ~ April @ Homeschool Musings 
December 10, 1817

21. Illinois ~ Dawn @ Guiding Light Homeschool
December 3, 1818

22. Alabama ~ Lysha @ Magnolia Mom 
December 14, 1819

23. Maine ~ Jennifer @ Blessed Family of Flowers / Hyatt Classroom Blessings 
March 15, 1820

24. Missouri ~ Heather @ The Blessings Pour Out 
August 10, 1821

25. Arkansas ~ Shellie B.
June 15, 1836

26. Michigan ~ Denise @ Light Liberty and Learning
January 26, 1837

27. Florida ~ Stacey P.
March 3, 1845

28. Texas ~ Heather @ Spirittibee
December 29, 1845

29. Iowa ~ Alexis @ Shepherding Kind Hearts
December 28, 1846

30. Wisconsin ~ OPEN
May 29, 1848

31. California ~ Janice @ FawverGang
September 9, 1850

32. Minnesota ~ Clancy @ Craven Clan 
May 11, 1858

33. Oregon ~ OPEN
February 14, 1859

34. Kansas ~ Amy @ Fun Days with Curious Kids 
January 29, 1861

35. West Virginia ~ OPEN
June 20, 1863

36. Nevada ~OPEN
October 31, 1864

37. Nebraska ~ Lisa @ McClanahan7 
March 1, 1867

38. Colorado ~ Jena W. 
August 1, 1876

39. North Dakota ~ OPEN
November 2, 1889

40. South Dakota ~ OPEN
November 2, 1889

41. Montana ~ Lynn @ Ladybug Chronicles
November 8, 1889

42. Washington ~ Sherri H.
November 11, 1889

43. Idaho ~ Jill @ Clark Clan Craziness 
July 3, 1890

44. Wyoming ~OPEN
July 10, 1890

45. Utah ~ Alyson @ Family Style School 
January 4, 1896

46. Oklahoma ~ Emery J. 
November 16, 1907

47. New Mexico ~ OPEN
January 6, 1912

48. Arizona ~ Heather @ Marine Corp Nomads 
February 14, 1912

49. Alaska ~ Kari @ Hidden Creek Homeschool
January 3, 1959

50. Hawaii ~ Jonna @ The Telli Troop
August 21, 1959

Friday, July 23, 2010

Hi Grandma

Hi Grandma…me again!

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Guess what?!? 4 days and a wake up and my Daddy will be home, Hooray!!!

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We have missed him so much. This is how excited Mikayla is, she is jumping for joy!

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Here they are doing handstands…I wish I could do that…one day.

Mommy painted the walls this week and I wanted to help her. She went up and down on this big silver thing, I wanted to try to but I couldn’t get my little legs up there.

So this is me touching the wet walls

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Look at my pretty pointed toes, I’ve been watching sisters too at the gymnastics gym.

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Mommy stopped painting after this and we went and had a snack, Cheerios, favorite.

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wet wednesdaypaint julyend 006Love you!!! 

Weekly Wrap Up- What we're using this year

Just a few more weeks until it's back to school time. Yesterday I mailed off our Notice of Intent and sent in the test results from the past school year. Now it's time to finish up last minute projects and get into the organizing mode. I have a few more purchases to make and then we officially start on Aug. 16th!

I am linking this post up with Kris from Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers Weekly Wrap Up curriculum hop, be sure to head on over and see what everyone else has planned.

Here’s our plan of study for the upcoming school year.

Marie ~ 8th grade

History: Sonlight Core 7- World History, Part 2

Bible: scheduled in Core 7

Math: Saxon Algebra I

Science: Apologia Physical Science

English: Rod & Staff English 8

Spelling: Rod & Staff 8

Vocabulary: Wordly Wise, book 8

Geography: State History from a Christian Perspective

Logic: Mind Benders, Fallacy Detectives

Art: Art Projects for Kids, Artistic Pursuits

Music: Young Scholars Guide to Composers

Co-op: Renaissance School of the Arts - Fashion Redesign with Spring Fashion show, Middle School play

PE: Competitive Cheerleading, 2 x’s/week

Typing Tutor

Madison ~ 4th grade

Bible: Veritas Press- Chronicles through Malachi and Job Series,AWANA TNT, book 2

History: Sonlight Core 3- Intro to American History, Part 1

Math: Saxon 5/4

Science: Apologia Exploring Creation with Astronomy

English: Rod & Staff English 4

Spelling: Rod & Staff 4

Handwriting: A Reason For Writing, book D

Vocabulary: Wordly Wise, book 4

Geography: State History from a Christian Perspective

Logic: Mind Benders, books A1

Foreign Language: All Bilingual Spanish, Educational Insights GeoSafari Smart Talk Espanol

Art: Art Projects for Kids, Artistic Pursuits

Music: Young Scholars Guide to Composers

Co-op: Renaissance School of the Arts - Older Elementary school choir

PE: Gymnastics team, 8 hours/wk

Mikayla ~ 2nd grade

Bible: Veritas Press- Genesis through Joshua Series, AWANA Sparks, book 3

History: Mystery of History, Vol. I, redo of Sonlight Core 1

Math: Saxon 2

Science: Apologia Exploring Creation with Astronomy

English: Explode the Code, books 4,5,6; Sonlight LA finish 2 regular/ start 2 Intermediate

Spelling: Rod & Staff 2

Handwriting: A Reason for Writing, book T

Vocabulary: Wordly Wise, book 2

Logic: Mind Benders, beginning book 2

Foreign Language: All Bilingual Spanish, Educational Insights GeoSafari Smart Talk Espanol

Art: Art Projects for Kids, Artistic Pursuits

Music: Young Scholars Guide to Composers

Co-op: Renaissance School of the Arts – Younger Elementary school choir

PE: Gymnastics team, 8 hours/wk

Montana ~ PreK4

Bible: AWANA Cubbies, book 2

Reading/writing: Sonlight PreK 3/4, Letter of the Week curriculum by Erica at Confessions of a Homeschooler, lots and lots of good books, and Teach your child to Read in 100 Easy lessons (start in Jan)

Math: Beginning Mathematical Reasoning

Logic: Mind Benders, PreK beginning book 1

Foreign Language: All Bilingual Spanish, Educational Insights GeoSafari Smart Talk Espanol

Art: Art Projects for Kids

Listening in on History, Science, Bible w/ Mikayla,

Co-op: Renaissance School of the Arts – Music and Motion

PE: Gymnastics Advanced Bears, 1.5 hours/wk

McKenzie ~ Itty Bitty Tot School

opening and closing cabinets/draws, etc

touching, tasting, singing, climbing, exploring, and playing

being read lots of good books

It's going to be a great year!!!

Chat later!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

TOS Review: Travel Kits

Warning! Traveling with cranky kids will in turn make you cranky. You know the saying, if Momma ain’t happy then nobody’s happy…Cue the music, sound the horns, and shine a bright spotlight on  The Old Schoolhouse eBook Travel Kits: A Simple Way to Bless Others


Traveling with children can be a challenge but it doesn’t have to be.  Travel Kits: A Simple Way to Bless Others is a 14 chapter eBook  jam packed with ideas on how to prepare these simple yet helpful kits to get you down the road, all for $12.45.  A little bit of planning is required to get your kit off the ground, but not much.  You should think about your target audience as far as what items will make up your kit.  The number and ages of travelers, the length of the trip, and the interests/tastes of the travelers.  You can include purchased or baked goodies, rented or borrowed supplies.  Package the items in a fun, yet durable container and you will be on your way.  The possibilities are endless and this eBook will have you traveling to Grandma’s house happy and content.

I am so glad to have had the opportunity to review this item. With the Lt. coming home very soon and the prospect of standing on the pier with 5 kids in 100* weather for 4+ hours  waiting for the ship to arrive…I need something to keep them busy and cool.  I am putting together a travel kit for our day on the pier and using our stroller as our container. I have been having a blast finding little things to pack into our Travel Kit. The girls will be so surprised to see all the things to keep them busy while we wait on our special day.  Be sure to head over to The Old Schoolhouse store and check out all of the other great products they offer, you won’t be disappointed.

Chat later!


I am a member of The Old Schoolhouse 2010-2011 Crew and as such received a copy of TOS Travel Kits: A Simple Way to Bless Others in exchange for a thorough and honest review.  Though I am compensated with free products, I am not compensated in the form of cash for my reviews.  The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but are not influenced by the company or the free product provided .

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wet Wednesday

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It’s another scorcher here today. The girls were up early today looking for new dresses online for the Lt.’s homecoming. They are eager to go out shopping but we are waiting on the garage door repair man to come see what’s wrong. So, while we waited we decided to get our Wet Wednesday on in the sprinkler.

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First they tried the sprinkler under the trampoline, but it didn’t give the desired results, plus it made jumping on the trampoline tough.

wet wednesdaypaint julyend 028 Next they tried it with the sprinkler directly on top of the trampoline but soon learned that wouldn’t work either. Montana got pinned in the corner of the trampoline screaming “turn it off, turn it off” and she was doused with water. Did I mention she is not a fan of water. So after that she sat out on the sidelines and watched.

wet wednesdaypaint julyend 050 wet wednesdaypaint julyend 039 wet wednesdaypaint julyend 048 

With the sprinkler on the grass Madison and Mikayla had a blast. These two are not afraid of the water, unless of course they are in the shower and I am trying to wash their hair and then you would think they were drowning. wet wednesdaypaint julyend 057

Marie and McKenzie sat on the sidelines too.  wet wednesdaypaint julyend 020 Fun summer times…Chat later!

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Monday, July 19, 2010

TOS Review: Travel the World (June 2010 Module)

Do you know what Geography means? Geography comes from the Greek word “geo”, which means earth, and “graphy” which means to write. So when you break it all down, geography translates to God’s handwriting on the Earth or God’s stage, story, and plan for man on Earth. How awesome is that!?!

The June 2010 Module from the Old Schoolhouse Planner is a fantastic deal! This 56 page eBook is jam packed with everything you need to know to cruise around the globe experiencing fun and engaging activities all the while learning about His story. There are numerous hyperlinks, puzzles, word searches and more to take you on an adventure as you teach your child the seven continents or as you reacquaint yourself with them.

Now, you may be thinking that you have to have the The Schoolhouse Planner to use the modules, but you don’t! That’s the beauty of it. Each of the monthly modules are stand-alone unit studies. You can bundle the modules with a Schoolhouse Planner purchase or acquire them when needed.


Take a look at the sampling of what you will get for your $7.95 purchase. There’s a study guide, coloring pages, lapbooking activities, answer keys, copywork,and more! Personally I love that the copywork is offered in manuscript and cursive, as I have have students at different levels of handwriting. The included high school expansion allows you to dig a little deeper into geography with your older students. This unit study will keep all of your children learning right from the start. Be sure to check out all the other great unit studies offered by The Old Schoolhouse.

Chat later!


I am a member of The Old Schoolhouse 2010-2011 Crew and as such received a copy of TOS Travel the World, June 2010 Module in exchange for a thorough and honest review. Though I am compensated with free products, I am not compensated in the form of cash for my reviews. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but are not influenced by the company or the free product provided .

Friday, July 16, 2010

2010 – 2011 Program of study

June2010 box day C gym expo 095

Whew, I am finally done with the planning stage! Just have a few last minute books to purchase and the wonderful back to school supplies.  Pencils, pens, notebooks, binders…Oh My!!! I have been good and restrained from buying any supplies yet…It is hard for this lover of school supplies.

On August 16th we will crack back open the books.  I have to admit I am ready to get back into the swing of things…the girls not so much. That’s normal though, right?

June2010 box day C gym expo 005 June2010 box day C gym expo 012

Here’s our plan of study, it’s going to be a great year! 

Marie ~ 8th grade

History: Sonlight Core 7- World History, Part 2

Bible: scheduled in Core 7

Math: Saxon Algebra I

Science: Apologia Physical Science

English: Rod & Staff English 8

Spelling: Rod & Staff 8

Vocabulary: Wordly Wise, book 8

Geography: State History from a Christian Perspective

Logic: Mind Benders, Fallacy Detectives

Art: Art Projects for Kids, Artistic Pursuits

Music: Young Scholars Guide to Composers

Co-op: Renaissance School of the Arts - Fashion Redesign with Spring Fashion show, Middle School play

PE: Competitive Cheerleading, 2 x’s/week

Typing Tutor

Madison ~ 4th grade

Bible: Veritas Press- Chronicles through Malachi and Job Series,AWANA TNT, book 2

History: Sonlight Core 3- Intro to American History, Part 1

Math: Saxon 5/4

Science: Apologia Exploring Creation with Astronomy

English: Rod & Staff English 4

Spelling: Rod & Staff 4

Handwriting: A Reason For Writing, book D

Vocabulary: Wordly Wise, book 4

Geography: State History from a Christian Perspective

Logic: Mind Benders, books A1

Foreign Language: All Bilingual Spanish,  Educational Insights GeoSafari Smart Talk Espanol 

Art: Art Projects for Kids, Artistic Pursuits

Music: Young Scholars Guide to Composers

Co-op: Renaissance School of the Arts - Older Elementary school choir

PE: Gymnastics team, 8 hours/wk

Mikayla ~ 2nd grade

Bible: Veritas Press- Genesis through Joshua Series, AWANA Sparks, book 3

History: Mystery of History, Vol. I, redo of Sonlight Core 1

Math: Saxon 2

Science: Apologia Exploring Creation with Astronomy

English: Explode the Code, books 4,5,6; Sonlight LA  finish 2 regular/ start 2 Intermediate

Spelling: Rod & Staff 2

Handwriting: A Reason for Writing, book T

Vocabulary: Wordly Wise, book 2

Logic: Mind Benders, beginning book 2

Foreign Language: All Bilingual Spanish,  Educational Insights GeoSafari Smart Talk Espanol 

Art: Art Projects for Kids, Artistic Pursuits

Music: Young Scholars Guide to Composers

Co-op: Renaissance School of the Arts – Younger Elementary school choir

PE: Gymnastics team, 8 hours/wk

Montana ~ PreK4

Bible: AWANA Cubbies, book 2

Reading/writing: Sonlight PreK 3/4, Alphabotz Superphonic Decoder Cards,  Letter of the Week curriculum by Erica at Confessions of a Homeschooler, lots and lots of good books, and Teach your child to Read in 100 Easy lessons (start in Jan)

Math: Beginning Mathematical Reasoning

Logic: Mind Benders, PreK beginning book 1

Foreign Language: All Bilingual Spanish,  Educational Insights GeoSafari Smart Talk Espanol 

Art: Art Projects for Kids

Listening in on History, Science, Bible w/ Mikayla

Co-op: Renaissance School of the Arts – Music and Motion

PE: Gymnastics Advanced Bears, 1.5 hours/wk

McKenzie ~ Itty Bitty Tot School

opening and closing cabinets/draws, etc

touching, tasting, singing, climbing, exploring, and playing

being read lots of good books


June2010 box day C gym expo 028

What are your plans and would you be interested in participating in a 50 state postcard swap???

weekly wrap-up

nbts125 Chat later!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wet Wednesday & a GIVEAWAY!!!

mento gyser-kitchen paint 124Today for Wet Wednesday we did the classic Steve Spangler’s Mento’s Diet Coke Geyser. The girls have been waiting patiently for this and the day has finally arrived. We went out at 930 A.M. because of the sweltering heat and humidity gripping our region.

We gathered supplies and headed out to start the experiments.mento gyser-kitchen paint 099 

Load em’ up…

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mento gyser-kitchen paint 144In honor of reaching 100+ followers we will have a giveaway, yay!!! It’s your turn to get into this classic fun. I have an  extra Geyser tube that I purchased to giveaway for one lucky follower. This set includes a Geyser tube, a roll of Mentos,  two (2) depth chargers (that can be filled with whatever your budding scientists wish to see if a reaction will take place), and a small packet of rock salt. All you need to supply is Diet Coke, ***we found that name brand soda works best***.

To enter you must be one of my followers, hence the 100+ follower giveaway. Leave a comment below and a way to contact you. Winner will be randomly picked and notified on Sat., July 17th. If chosen you have 3 days to contact me with your address.

Chat later!

I disclose

You are reading A Stable Beginning, a blog written by me, Jacquelin,  from a homestead in the Hampton Roads area of VA.

I write about military life while homeschooling five very active girls and much more.  I may share personal information, encouragement, opinions and/or occasional gripes.  Most experiences in life affect me and thus my opinions are influenced by the past, the present and what I perceive will be the future. 

I am independently contracted to write reviews for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine.  I am a member of TOS Crew for the 2010-2011 school year.   TOS Crew Members receive free products and services in exchange for a thorough and honest review of the product received.  The views and opinions expressed on this blog are solely my own.  They are not influenced by the company or the free product provided.  I am not compensated in any form with cash for my reviews.  I will always give my honest opinions, findings, and experiences on the products and services given.  Those who desire to follow, copy or emulate shall do so at your own risk.

For questions about this blog please contact me at:

This policy valid from July 14, 2010.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Masterpiece Monday and more

12July2010 040Whew, I’ve been going a mile a minute lately! I need to listen to my own advice and slow down especially since I missed a field trip we were signed up for today (sorry Cheryl)!!!

This morning we ran errands and went to the store to go grocery shopping for the week. I am so happy to say that I think I have finally gotten a handle on our grocery budget. Today I came in way under budget even though I needed to get a few extras. My late night menu planning last night paid off.  McKenzie sat in the grocery cart and was enjoying the sights of the store, until the girls put her Gerber Crunchies in the basket, then she lost it. Thankfully I had some Crunchies in the diaper bag for her to eat. She was fine for a few aisles and then she got thirsty. Yep, I didn’t have a Sippy cup, so I had to get a juice box  pack and open one up for her to drink while we finished shopping.

When we got home McKenzie had her first tantrum while the girls and I were putting the groceries away. She just laid on the playroom floor and fussed and cried for about a minute, then she was fine and started playing with toys.

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12July2010 015For our masterpiece Monday project we actually had two activities to tackle this week.  First up was to melt down some extra crayons that we found while de-cluttering the study into little hockey pucks.

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The girls enjoyed picking out their colors for their crayon pucks and peeling off the paper.

Somehow we got off track and someone who will remain nameless said that the crayons were made from…Ear wax.

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The girls proceeded to have a little cat fight and spread the ear wax germs…Ahh, life with girls, I wouldn’t have it any other way!

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Into the greased muffin tins and in the 250* oven for 12-15 minutes. Montana kept watch…12July2010 086

When they were done we let them cool and they slid right out of the pan like butter.

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Our next project was to start our Ugly Monsters. I first saw this on Art Projects For Kids and knew the girls would enjoy this project, especially since they needed to drink 4 boxes of Capri Sun!

I paired them off and today we did the design and prep work.

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Montana was paired off with Madison, but she really didn't care about the design process…

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She was busy concentrating cutting with her scissors and tearing up the Styrofoam  cups.

Here are the Ugly Monsters after prep work. We will Paper Mache on Saturday, so they are ready for paint Monday.

I also let the girls do some Home Ec and make a batch of Chocolate Chip cookies, heavy of the chips, LOL Aunt Janice :-). They turned out really good!!!

12July2010 008 Chat later!