Remember this? This is Montana at 2 years old on Christmas morning 2008. All you really wanted for Christmas from Santa that year was a red gymnastics leo with a Santa penguin on it that you saw at the gymnastic shop. This is your favorite leo and you call it your Santa leo.
Montana talks about this Santa leo
You were still too young at 2 years old to take formal gymnastics lessons, so you did what any inspiring athlete would do.

We love to watch you put on mini shows for us on the beam when big sisters practice.

Fast forward to January 2010 after getting settled in VA, Montana was finally able to take lessons at the local gymnastics gym. Wednesday's after lunch is your day for lesssons and you are always ready to go first thing in the morning. It is sometimes hard for you to wait until after lunch because you are so excited.
This past weekend we had your very first Tumble Tot Gymnastics Expo at the gym. She was estatic because she knew it wasn't Wednesday and that meant she got to go to the gym two days that week, just like big sisters!
Here's a couple of shots of you in action: