Ouch!!! Montana got bitten yesterday by who knows what?!? We were at the library summer reading program yesterday and she got up in the middle of the magic show to sit by me. She said her ‘squito bites were itchy. I was distracted by the shear volume of children present at this performance(trying to keep an eye on my girls) and didn’t think much of it, until this morning when she woke up with these. She couldn’t have 5 mosquito bites, because we were INside the library!
The doctor says that it might have been ants or some other bug. Now that is just gross!!! All the bigger girls that were sitting on the floor got bitten, thankfully they only have one or two bites and didn’t have a reaction to it like this.
She’s a trooper though. The doctor saw us this morning and prescribed some Benadryl and Neosporin for when the bumps pop. She sat on the floor watching Arthur with two of her babies. She also ate a popsicle because that would make her feel better and we all know how much she loves her daily Otter Pops :-)
Chat later!