This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Pink eye and WINNERS!!!

Yes, it's back, A-G-A-I-N!!!! Why oh why, I ask?!? Breathe...Whew, okay we can handle this. Took Madison back to her pediatrician and got another prescription for a different medicine, lets pray this one works, otherwise we will have to go down to the pediatric eye doctor (where McKenzie is being seen for her cyst)and have him check her eyes out.

McKenzie had her pre-op appointment this morning. It was so crowded at the eye doctor, nearly standing room only. But we were seen relatively quickly, so that was nice. Surgery is scheduled for 1115 AM on Wednesday morning to remove the 2 cysts on her left eyebrow. The MRI last week picked up a second tiny one. Good news is that there is not any attachments or tails to these two cysts leading to the skull, Praise the Lord! We have to be there at 930 AM, and this time I plan on not getting lost, since it won't be raining and it will be light out. My Aunt Joyce is coming to stay with the girls, we are all looking forward to seeing her and our cousin dog, Sebastian, especially Montana, they are best buds!

The big winners for the curriculum clean out are Katy (Sequential Spelling) and Cindy (Usborne Encyclopedia of World History). Thank you for all that entered, I definitely will be checking out your blogs for those who left links. If your interested I also have a giveaway HERE for the book Family Feasts for $75 a week. It ends tomorrow morning.

Once again I am behind on loading my Mommytograpohy 365 pictures. I have been taking pictures but have been really too tired or busy to post. I will get those up tomorrow and make a conscious effort to not fall behind!

That's all folks! The baby is tired so I am going to get her ready for bed.
Chat later!
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