Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I'm afraid of cash

Yep, you read that right. I am afraid of cash...the cash only envelope system of grocery shopping that is. EEEK, scarry... it terrifys me. Why, I don't know. I have become so dependent on my debit card, but I am breaking the trend.
I am taking the plunge again to be better at this whole "grocery cart challenge" thing. Seriously, it's a brillant idea! Back in the beginning of 2009 I decided to take the plunge of using cash only for groceries to feed 16 people, well 3 big people and 13 little people when I was running my daycare. But I did it and it works if you stick to it. I remember my very first time using cash only. Hundreds of thoughts raced through my mind as I stood there waiting for my total. My palms starting sweating and I was fidgety. Nervous was an understatement, what if I go over?!? Oh the pressure,I had a lot of food, no way it was less than my weekly goal of $150.

Why you ask? Why not?!? It took some practice but I did it, I stuck to my goals and succeded. So I am taking the challenge again to spend our money more frugally...jumping back in the saddle. My budget will be $150.00 a week again. Yes, I am feeding less people but I also don't have access to a store like WinCo as before (hey, I am not making excuses, just stating the facts here). This time I plan to use more coupons and really do some leg work beforehand to make sure I am getting the best deals. Now, I won't be going hogwild and shopping at 4 or more stores (that's just not possible with 5 little ducklings in tow), but I will try to get the best bang for our buck and get over my fear.

So, if you have read this far, you're in luck! I am having a giveaway too. I read this book Family Feasts for $75 a Week by Mary Ostyn and it has revamped my enthusiasm for the "grocery challenge". I have an extra copy so I am passing it on to one of you lucky readers. Inside you will find great information about how to shrink your food bill down, what fruits and veggies are in season when, what to keep on hand to have your pantry stocked. Recipes galore, mouthwatering, finger lickin' good meals, you're not eating beans and rice. Great information in this book!

So, do you want to win?

Just leave me a comment below and tell me what your monthly grocery budget is and if you want to lower it?

For extra entries you can :
-blog about this on your blog linking back to me (1 extra entry)
-sign up to follow me (2 extra entries)
A winner will be picked on Tuesday, March 23rd at 10am Eastern.
Chat later!
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