Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sweet shot Tuesday

This is my first link of with Sweet shot Tuesdays. This is my 3rd daughter, Mikayla, perfecting her bubble gum blowing skills.

Expedition Australia

Have you ever wanted to take an adventure Down Under? Have a little shrimp on the Barbie? Amanda Bennett's Download N Go Expedition Australia e-book will have you on your way for an exciting adventure. My husband has been to Australia while on deployment back in the early 2000's so I was able to ask him questions about what he saw and tie it into the lesson for the girls, I even found a couple of pictures that he had from his stay there.

The format and readability of the Download N Go units are excellent. They offer a great variety of topics and activities for all age ranges for your child to discover and explore more of our great world and famous people. The vivid pictures and printables were perfect for each topic. I loved that I could print out what I needed for each lesson. These e-books would make a great complement to lapbooking. Visit the Old Schoool House website and check out the topics that are covered, you will definitely find something to peak your child's interest. Or maybe even your own!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Pink eye and WINNERS!!!

Yes, it's back, A-G-A-I-N!!!! Why oh why, I ask?!? Breathe...Whew, okay we can handle this. Took Madison back to her pediatrician and got another prescription for a different medicine, lets pray this one works, otherwise we will have to go down to the pediatric eye doctor (where McKenzie is being seen for her cyst)and have him check her eyes out.

McKenzie had her pre-op appointment this morning. It was so crowded at the eye doctor, nearly standing room only. But we were seen relatively quickly, so that was nice. Surgery is scheduled for 1115 AM on Wednesday morning to remove the 2 cysts on her left eyebrow. The MRI last week picked up a second tiny one. Good news is that there is not any attachments or tails to these two cysts leading to the skull, Praise the Lord! We have to be there at 930 AM, and this time I plan on not getting lost, since it won't be raining and it will be light out. My Aunt Joyce is coming to stay with the girls, we are all looking forward to seeing her and our cousin dog, Sebastian, especially Montana, they are best buds!

The big winners for the curriculum clean out are Katy (Sequential Spelling) and Cindy (Usborne Encyclopedia of World History). Thank you for all that entered, I definitely will be checking out your blogs for those who left links. If your interested I also have a giveaway HERE for the book Family Feasts for $75 a week. It ends tomorrow morning.

Once again I am behind on loading my Mommytograpohy 365 pictures. I have been taking pictures but have been really too tired or busy to post. I will get those up tomorrow and make a conscious effort to not fall behind!

That's all folks! The baby is tired so I am going to get her ready for bed.
Chat later!

Friday, March 19, 2010

I'm Spring Cleaning: Vol. 1 Sequential Spelling Curriculum giveaway

Aahh Spring...love this time of year. We’re spring cleaning this weekend, I am linking up with The Curriculum Choice's spring cleaning giveaway. This will be a great addition to your shelf as I make room for items for our next school year.

Up for grabs:

Vol. 1 Sequential Spelling (new, we use a different spelling program but this came with one of our Sonlight Cores)

To enter this giveaway, just leave a comment below by 10:00AM Eastern, March 22. Don't have a blog, no problem! Just leave a comment and be sure to leave your email address so I can contact you if you're the lucky winner. I will use random.org to choose a winner Monday afternoon.

Chat later!

MckLinky Blog Hop

I'm Spring Cleaning! Usborne Encyclopedia of World History Curriculum Giveaway

Aahh Spring...love this time of year. We’re spring cleaning this weekend, I am linking up with The Curriculum Choice's spring cleaning giveaway. This will be a great addition to your shelf as I make room for items for our next school year.

Up for grabs:

Usborne Encyclopedia of World History (like new, very gently used, paper back)

To enter this giveaway, just leave a comment below by 10:00AM Eastern, March 22. Don't have a blog, no problem! Just leave a comment and be sure to leave your email address so I can contact you if you're the lucky winner. I will use random.org to choose a winner Monday afternoon.

Chat later!

MckLinky Blog Hop

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I'm afraid of cash

Yep, you read that right. I am afraid of cash...the cash only envelope system of grocery shopping that is. EEEK, scarry... it terrifys me. Why, I don't know. I have become so dependent on my debit card, but I am breaking the trend.
I am taking the plunge again to be better at this whole "grocery cart challenge" thing. Seriously, it's a brillant idea! Back in the beginning of 2009 I decided to take the plunge of using cash only for groceries to feed 16 people, well 3 big people and 13 little people when I was running my daycare. But I did it and it works if you stick to it. I remember my very first time using cash only. Hundreds of thoughts raced through my mind as I stood there waiting for my total. My palms starting sweating and I was fidgety. Nervous was an understatement, what if I go over?!? Oh the pressure,I had a lot of food, no way it was less than my weekly goal of $150.

Why you ask? Why not?!? It took some practice but I did it, I stuck to my goals and succeded. So I am taking the challenge again to spend our money more frugally...jumping back in the saddle. My budget will be $150.00 a week again. Yes, I am feeding less people but I also don't have access to a store like WinCo as before (hey, I am not making excuses, just stating the facts here). This time I plan to use more coupons and really do some leg work beforehand to make sure I am getting the best deals. Now, I won't be going hogwild and shopping at 4 or more stores (that's just not possible with 5 little ducklings in tow), but I will try to get the best bang for our buck and get over my fear.

So, if you have read this far, you're in luck! I am having a giveaway too. I read this book Family Feasts for $75 a Week by Mary Ostyn and it has revamped my enthusiasm for the "grocery challenge". I have an extra copy so I am passing it on to one of you lucky readers. Inside you will find great information about how to shrink your food bill down, what fruits and veggies are in season when, what to keep on hand to have your pantry stocked. Recipes galore, mouthwatering, finger lickin' good meals, you're not eating beans and rice. Great information in this book!

So, do you want to win?

Just leave me a comment below and tell me what your monthly grocery budget is and if you want to lower it?

For extra entries you can :
-blog about this on your blog linking back to me (1 extra entry)
-sign up to follow me (2 extra entries)
A winner will be picked on Tuesday, March 23rd at 10am Eastern.
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365~076 I am blessed

I thank the Lord each day...

*This post is part of the 2010 Mommytography 365 Project.*
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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

365~075 leo's

forgive me if I have just flooded your reader! I am finally caught up on my postings.

the girls leos fill both sides of the washer and dryer...hanging out to dry

*This post is part of the 2010 Mommytography 365 Project.*

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Monday, March 15, 2010

365~074 Sophie the Giraffe

McKenzie loves her Sophie...she loves to chew on her ears.

*This post is part of the 2010 Mommytography 365 Project.*

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

365~073 math

*This post is part of the 2010 Mommytography 365 Project.*

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Saturday, March 13, 2010

365~072 spinning

*This post is part of the 2010 Mommytography 365 Project.*

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Friday, March 12, 2010

365~071 faux flowers

*This post is part of the 2010 Mommytography 365 Project.*

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

365~070 books

*This post is part of the 2010 Mommytography 365 Project.*

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

365~069 carrot tasting

first time tasting carrots...mmm

*This post is part of the 2010 Mommytography 365 Project.*

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

365~068 Bubblicious

*This post is part of the 2010 Mommytography 365 Project.*

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Monday, March 8, 2010

365~067 Bazooka Joe

*This post is part of the 2010 Mommytography 365 Project.*

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

365~066 oranges

*This post is part of the 2010 Mommytography 365 Project.*

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Saturday, March 6, 2010

365~065 statue

this little man once graced the shelf of my childhood home.

*This post is part of the 2010 Mommytography 365 Project.*

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Friday, March 5, 2010

365~064 I'm not tired...

out cold...

*This post is part of the 2010 Mommytography 365 Project.*

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

365~063 glass slipper

what is your favorite memory from this Magical place?

*This post is part of the 2010 Mommytography 365 Project.*

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wasn't me...

Imagine my surprise as I walked into Madison & Mikayla's room this morning and saw this. A hand on the ceiling. A sticky hand, On the CEILING!!!!
Come on now, who did this???
"Wasn't me" says Madison.
"Wasn't me" says Mikayla.
"Wuzemp me" says Montana.It was a pain to get off the ceiling because I am "fun size, a.k.a vertical challenged" and STICKY.

"Wasn't me" even managed to get the T.V. stickified. Is that even a word?
Stickified, hmm, I think I like it...

Monday, March 1, 2010


A new month, a new start, a fresh beginning. I have come upon some writers funk this past month, my creative writing juices have been frozen. I am challenging myself this month to keep up with the blog, my journal. I'm writing to remember because they're only young once...and I don't want to miss a minute of LIFE


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