Meanwhile, Kenzie bug was testing out her exersuacer skilz. She is quite the pro at it now, having been at it one whole day. She figured out how to turn herself around and bang on the toys to get the music. The seat engulfs her, but a few blankets stuffed behind her does the trick.
I spent the better part of the day rearranging the office and neglecting the taxes once more. With only four months of daycare to log in I am pretty pleased with the amount we are getting back, just not motivated to do the final numbers and get it off for review. Can you believe that I forgot to get a Social Security number for the baby, SHEESH!!! Well, I did have a lot on my mind as I left the hospital without her. So, I will stop kicking myself for that one and wait...patiently.
I found a new blog this week with one mom's incredible birth story filled with love and hope for things yet to come, check it out and bring some tissue. She does amazing photography too.
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