Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dermoid cyst

My Kenzie bug is going in for another surgery. This time to remove the bump under her left eyebrow. Turns out it is called a dermoid. The doctor called it a benign tumor, truth be told, he had me at dermoid. Basically it is cells that got trapped under the skin when her skull was fusing together. The doctor said it is a common thing to happen but it has to be removed. Otherwise, when she becomes mobile and bumps or hits it hard enough it could burst underneath the skin and get inflammed. McKenzie must have taken that as her cue, because she started rolling over a few days after the appointment. And of course she is rolling towards the bump.

I got the call yesterday morning with our options for surgery dates. I told the receptionist that I would call her back after I got ahold of my Auntie to see if and when she could come down to watch the girls. How great is that, I am loving living so close to family! I am sure they will keep her busy, especially my Montana who can't wait to see her cousin dog, Sebastian.

Okay, now that I have started babbling, the surgery is a same day surgery and is scheduled at the local Children's Hospital for March 24th. Am I nervous, YES, my tiny baby will be 6 months going in for her 2nd surgery. But God is in control!!! He will protect her and she will be good to go!!!!
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