Monday, January 18, 2010

Officially official

I am so happy to say that my hubby is officially a Naval Lieutenant. Five years ago in February 2005 we found out the exciting, life/career changing news that would rock our world after 11 years in the Enlisted ranks. Mike was chosen out of thousands of candidates to become a LDO (Limited Duty Officer) Mustang on his first try!!! THANK YOU LORD!!! We would not be moving to Guam (thank you AGAIN Lord), we would be staying in WA for 3 1/2 more years and reporting to the USS Abraham Lincoln as an Ensign . This is a picture of Mikayla when she was two years old standing by her Daddy during his commissioning ceremony at the Seattle Seahawks game against his favorite team, the 49ers. I remember that day so well, surrounded by family and friends.

Grandma Sue (MIL),Mike & I, and Marie, Madison, & Mikayla

Uncle David & Danielle

Seahawk mascot, Blitz & girls

All of these people in the photo above all have a special place in my husband's life and career. His best friend, Craig, who is on the far left has been at his side since "A" School, to Warrant Officer 4 Benjamin (far left), who believed he had what it takes to shine in the Officer ranks. His encouragement and helping hand through the whole selection process was Awesome! Commander Erb , a great leader and woman, who swore Mike in. Mike recalls hearing his name called out on the announcement system and felt like he was being summoned to the Principal's office. Little did he know, what news she had in store for him. Normally you don't go the the Commanding Officer's office unless you did something bad. Chief's Bill, Garris, and Moffitt all encouraged Mike on his way, even though they would have rather had him go on to become a Chief :-).

Here is Mike on pinning day. Pinning had to take place after they left for deployment, so I didn't get to pin on his bars. That's okay though, I am saving it for Lt. Commander in a couple of years.

Great job babe, we are so Proud of you!!!!

Chat later!

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