This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Monday, January 4, 2010

365~004 Happy baby

Well, at least the baby is happy.
I spent most of the day trying to figure out why I dragged all 5 of my girls out of the house at 830AM into 26 degree weather just to find out that the receptionist scheduled us for a pediatric doctor appointment when in fact we were to be seeing a pediatric gastrologist. Which turns out not to really be a pediatric GI doctor, but will see pediatric patients. Once we found the right spot to be in after 30 minutes of waiting in the waiting room, the GI doctors receptionist asked if I wanted to wait longer in there waiting room for him to arrive for work. Ummm, NO!!! I can think of better ways to spend my time. So, the girls and I headed home, and no sooner than we walked into the door did the phone ring. The caller id said it was the doctors office. When I picked up the phone the receptionist asked what my daughter needed to be seen for. I once again explained to her that she was born with duodenal atresia and that she had it repaired on her third day of her life by doctors at the Naval Medical Center and we were told to follow up at 4mo, 8mo, 12mo, and every year thereafter. The receptionist told me that she had never heard of deuodenal atresia and that the doctor wondered why they sent us to him. WHAT!?! Excuse me, did I just hear you right???? I was in complete shock at this point. I got off the phone and called our insurance company up and we are now waiting for ANOTHER referral to either the Naval Medical Center or the local Children's hospital, where they have pediatric specialists. Sheesh!!!!


  1. What wrong with people. the service you get at most places is really bad. Hope everything works out okay. I love her smile....Gram

  2. Now that would frustrate me too. Oh my...

  3. You poor thing. How frustrating! I hope you get in to a different doctor because I sure wouldn't want to go back there after the receptionist told you she had never heard of it!

  4. Oh no!

    To think that these people just carry on with their lives/day nt realizing how messed up they have made YOUR day!! Irritating!

    Totally happy baby made ME smile...

  5. She is SUCH a cutie!!! And good grief - some doctors just shouldn't be doctors. I hope your next referral is a competent one.

  6. Ugh! That sucks! I hope you find a good specialist quickly and without anymore hassle! But hey- she IS completely adorable!

    By the way- I'm stopping by from the Bible in 90 Days challenge- makin' my way to all the blogs! So take this as encouragement and know that I just lifted you and your family up in prayer!

  7. Oh WHAT A smile! She is precious!

  8. That is a very happy looking child! Lovely picture!
