Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
365~030 Snow tracks

Friday, January 29, 2010
365~029 Shark tail

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Five things
1. my daily 1am email from my hubby. I wake up in the middle of the night to read it, respond and then back to sleep. Makes my day!
2. my 3 year old reciting parts of Psalm 23 to her Wonder Pets figures (she is listening and learning)
3. the smell of fresh laundry. You know when you go outside and smell it in the air, love that smell. (it's okay, call me crazy)
4. long, HOT showers. I know I have been in the shower too long when the light turns off ( side note- I am very water conscious, sometimes I just need a little bit longer in there to think and unwind).
5. Pepsi- not diet anymore, just regular. Got to get my caffeine somehow and not minding those extra calories right now.
Chat later!
Monday, January 25, 2010
365~025 Calm after the storm

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
365~023 Frog

Friday, January 22, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Don't mess with my lion cubs...or hear me ROAR!!!

Thank you Lord for keeping us safe today.
Grandma, don't be alarmed, all is well.
photo courtesy: onsafari.com
So I decided...
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

One of my goals this year is to fit in time to reKindle my love of reading. I love to read, but let's face it most days I am only reading to the girls, which is very important. I want to find time to read for my own personal growth. I have already started the 90 Bible challenge and I am loving my quiet time learning God's word. I'm jumping on board with Simple Mom in her 2010 online book club. It starts next Monday, 25 Jan. and the first book up is The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. I am so excited to take this challenge and since I don't sleep well anyways right now, why not spend the time reading and gaining knowledge from books.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Comments make the blog world go 'round
Chat later!
Monday, January 18, 2010

Madison & Mikayla had their first pre-team fun meet yesterday. Whew, what a long day! I have forgotten how long competitions can be since we have been out of competitive cheer. So, here are the girls stats on each apparatus. Not too shabby! Neither of them placed overall in the top three in their groups but it's all good, they had a blast and that's all that matters! Montana has her toddlers fun meet at the end of the month, she is so excited!
I've got a question for you all who shoot your children's sports. What kind of lens do you have? I need recommendations, desperately (see the last photo). I need to be able to zoom in from far away as I most likely will have the little girls with me at the bottom of the bleachers (because bleachers and little kids don't mix, been there...done that). Any recommendations would be great.
Officially official

Grandma Sue (MIL),Mike & I, and Marie, Madison, & Mikayla

Uncle David & Danielle

Seahawk mascot, Blitz & girls

All of these people in the photo above all have a special place in my husband's life and career. His best friend, Craig, who is on the far left has been at his side since "A" School, to Warrant Officer 4 Benjamin (far left), who believed he had what it takes to shine in the Officer ranks. His encouragement and helping hand through the whole selection process was Awesome! Commander Erb , a great leader and woman, who swore Mike in. Mike recalls hearing his name called out on the announcement system and felt like he was being summoned to the Principal's office. Little did he know, what news she had in store for him. Normally you don't go the the Commanding Officer's office unless you did something bad. Chief's Bill, Garris, and Moffitt all encouraged Mike on his way, even though they would have rather had him go on to become a Chief :-).
Here is Mike on pinning day. Pinning had to take place after they left for deployment, so I didn't get to pin on his bars. That's okay though, I am saving it for Lt. Commander in a couple of years.
Great job babe, we are so Proud of you!!!!
Chat later!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Saturday school

Okay, so I digress. In history we are learning about the Pyramids and Pharaohs of Egypt and what life was like. Madison and Mikayla are doing Sonlight Core 1 together this year and we are using The Usborne Time Traveler book
The girls have to write a minimum of two sentences to demonstrate understanding of the story we read. They have been doing very well with this format. Retention has been a lot better, especially with Mikayla. Marie is also doing the same thing with her History lessons on the Story of the World.
After the sentences have been written the drawing begins. The girls spent a lot of time drawing today. Really getting detailed in the pictures. Which I love. I let Mikayla write phonetically and have Madison look words up in the dictionary that she may have trouble with. Mikayla's writing and spelling is getting a lot better too. She is working hard at sounding out and she is remembering grammar rules too. All in all it is a win-win for our home school.
5QF 1/15/10

365~016 Wall mural

Friday, January 15, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
365~013 Competition Leos

Chat Later!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
365~012 Crazy hair day

Monday, January 11, 2010
365~010 Sprinkles

Mikayla celebrated her 7th Birthday this past weekend. Auntie Allie gave the girls the Big Top Cupcake for Christmas so they were anxious to try it out. I let Mikayla, Madison, and Montana decorate it how they wanted, with a request of not too many sprinkles. I think they did a great job!
1st Day back