Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy 4 months

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Where has the time gone! My baby girl is 4 months already. McKenzie weighed in at 9 lbs 9 ozs this morning and a whopping 22 inches long. She is just shy of the 50th percentile on the preemie growth chart. We are just now starting to wear 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. Kenzie is quite the talker, she must get that from her Aunties :-) The doctor gave the go ahead to start cereal for the next few months. We will wait until after the New Year and her appointment with the gastrologist to try that out. Way to grow Kenzie bug!

Chat later!


  1. What a darling picture of your 'big' girl! Thank you for sharing...

    P.S. Hope your back is feeling better soon!

  2. Beautiful picture ..Love the smile.....Gram

  3. already! cute, can't wait to spoil her... well, all of them, because that's what "GREAT" aunts do!

