Tuesday, December 15, 2009

An apology with an explanation is an excuse

Love that title! I gleaned that from church this past Sunday. Wow, what a wonderful last few days, squadron Christmas party, finding a new church home on Sunday, and to top it off The Nester's holiday tour.

I am SO excited about the church we found this weekend. It was raining cats and dogs that morning but I was determined to not let anyone or thing stop us from going and I am so glad we did. As soon as we arrived I felt this calmness sweep over me. I am usually a shy person and new situations make me nervous, R-E-A-L nervous, but not Sunday. I got the girls settled into their perspective Sunday school classes and was shown to the sanctuary and immediately felt that this is where I belonged. A place where I can continue to grow, flourish in my Christian walk. I sat in the back just in case little miss Kenzie bug decided she wanted to be heard and I could make a quick getaway out the back. But she slept peacefully the entire time without a peep. After the first two songs of praise were through, the Pastor asked everyone to greet a familiar face. I had literally 20+ people come up to me and greet me with a hearty Merry Christmas, Welcome to WBCC. I can't wait for Sunday, I want more!

On Saturday we took the girls to Mike's squadron Christmas party. They came away with way too many goodies, including winning the raffle door prize bag. The big man made his appearance about halfway through and Montana hunted him down to tell him that she would like a phone this year. Santa just gave us this look... a phone, you're 3!!! We will see what Santa can do. Other than that it was a fun time. I met some of the other spouses, including seeing the XO's wife and their new baby boy who was born 2 days before McKenzie.

I so much enjoyed the Christmas home tour hosted by The Nester. I think I commented on well over 100, yes you read that right one hundred, blogs. There were some great homes out there and beautiful tall trees. I told hubby I want to upgrade our tree to a 9 ft or greater tree. He just laughed. I would love to read and comment on all the posts, but I think I would need the whole month of January. If I didn't get to yours tell me what link you are and I'll hop on over and check out your home.

It's late here, I should get ready for bed while Kenzie is still sleeping. Don't forget to enter the Zhu Zhu pet giveaway. The drawing ends tomorrow evening, so there is still time to join.
Chat later!


  1. Glad you found a new home church. I know how difficult that can sometimes be with moving to a new place and a newborn because we just went through the same thing.
    And, I think it is HILARIOUS the 3 y/o is wanting a cell phone :)
    Little girls are just too funny!

  2. I'm glad you love your new church. That is just a HUGE thing! Our church is actually why we didn't move away from the city we are in. To find somewhere that will help grow you and teach you how to love on others is such a big deal!

  3. It must feel so nice to have a new place to go to each week.
