Friday, December 4, 2009

Five Question Friday- 12/4

It's question time over at Mama M's. Head on over and link up. My answers are below.

1. Favorite gift you are GIVING this year?

I can't really say the favorite gift on the blog as some of the recipients read this blog daily. But, I will tell you that my girlie's and I will start of prepping them next week. I think it is my favorite this year because they will put so much effort into it. Don't worry I will post pics after Christmas.

Can you keep a secret? 3 of my girls will be receiving Zhu Zhu pets even though i told them I would not be buying anything that resembles a crawling rat!!! I love it, they are going to be so excited. Now, don't you go telling them...

2. How many parties are you attending between now and Christmas?

Well, most likely only one, but we have been invited to 4 so far. Hubby may have to go to a few and show his face because we don't leave our babies with sitters until they are over a year. It's okay, we will enjoy that time together before hubby deploys early next year.

3. What is your favorite Christmas song?

My ALL time favorite Christmas song is Oh Holy Night. I love the rendition by Point of Grace. When I was in 8th grade I sang a solo in the Winter choir concert to this song. I still remember being scared out of my mind in front of that audience. I also remember my brother sitting in the audience next to our Mom snickering and making faces at me, older brothers, you got to love them :-)

4. Who was your favorite elementary school teacher and why?

Burning Burt, aka Mrs. Burt my 5th grade teacher. Being that my brother and I are 18 months apart I always had his teachers the next school year. Not always the best for me, but I managed. Mrs. Burt was the meanest teacher in the whole school, children trembled with fear when they saw there name on her class list. Me included. I survived her class by the skin of my teeth but she stands out in my mind as a favorite because she pushed me to succeed over my shyness.

5. If you had a choice to live in any other period of time (other than now) what era would you choose and why?

Give me a covered wagon! I used to play covered wagon with my dolls all day. Love Little House on the Prairie!

Your turn! Head on over to Mama M's and see what everyone else is saying.

Chat later!


  1. Good way to look at it with your teacher! Instead of hating her for being mean, you are taking something good out of it! I love it :o)

    My Mamma and sisters are Little House on the Praire fans. I was when I was younger but nothing compared to how they are :o)

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