Monday, November 9, 2009

Whew, what a weekend we ended up not going to the ornament exchange because Montana was sick Friday morning with a cold, then I caught it too yesterday. Thankfully McKenzie is not showing any signs of sickness just the usual stuffy, congested nose. She finally went # 2 again, early this morning. The pediatrician doesn't seem to worried that she is only pooping every 8 days since she is not showing any other signs of distress. I on the other hand find it strange, but she is not in pain, no fevers, no distended belly. So I guess she just isn't a pooper. Sorry if this is just grossing you out or TMI. Montana is feeling a lot better too.

I have been waking up so early lately, 5 am and not being able to go back to sleep. So this morning about 1130am I got so tired, you know the kind of tired when your eyes start burning and you kind of can't even function because you are in some kind of a fog, and I had to close my eyes and quickly. The girls ate lunch and I crashed for a good 30 minutes on the sunroom couch. I felt so much better after that nap that I was able to get the girls finished with school and some laundry done.

Tonight we made brownies and the girls wanted to put some caramel in them too, as if we needed any more sugar. I have officially put away the Halloween candy. It was getting out of hand, we were consuming way too much. Okay, feeling that tiredness sweeping over me, until tomorrow...


  1. Hang in there Jacque I wish I was nearby so I could help you....It will get better. Grandma

  2. I have the tiredness role over me around 2pm everyday. I like you, wake up early due to Ethan feeding at 5am so I watch spongebob and get up and walk on the tredmill for about 35 mins. That get's to blood flowing but there is always a crash later in the afternoon. I to can sneak in a little nap nothing over a hour, or the house will be torn down!
