Monday, November 23, 2009

I'm still here...

It's been awhile since I posted, but I am still here. The girls were sick off and on and I think we are finally all healthy,Y-E-S!!! So, we got the New Super Mario Brother's game last week, can you say addicting. We've been playing that game so much and having a great time. Marie and I made it to world 6 before mysteriously the game was erased, bummer. But that means we can go back and find the red flags and different coins we missed the first time around. Montana being Montana says in a very stern 3 year old voice, "Madison and Mikayla you are in big trouble!" Too cute, we were all laughing hysterically.

In true procrastinator fashion I waited until this morning to get my kitchen cabinets off, Mike returns home from his mini deployment tomorrow afternoon. I will post pics later, it not quite ready for show, but I love. love. love it!!! Amazing how much more light I have with those cabinet doors off. I also painted a little stool that Montana uses in the powder room to reach the sink. Yes, I will post pictures, just not now, you see I am supposed to be at the library, then to Lowes to pick up porch trees, to the dreaded post office, the grocery store, and finally home with the girls in tow. Whew, that makes me exhausted just thinking about it because it's raining out. Now, we are Washingtonian's and can handle rain, but what about these lovely Virginia people, can they handle it? No comment!

Okay, I better go, the baby is fed so I have at least 2 hours before she will need to eat again. Oh, one more thing, I get to see my little sister on Friday!!! She is going to stop by our Auntie's house and spend the day or two. I haven't seen her in 5 years. The girls saw her in Aug. but I was in the hospital about to give birth to little Kenzie bug, so I missed her. I will definitely take lots of pictures, the camera is already packed. Off for now, I really need to get these errands done so we can be home before dark. Chat later!


  1. I can't wait to see the pictures..also I'm waiting for thanksgivings pictures as well..

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