Saturday, November 14, 2009

Happy 9th Birthday Madison

Happy Birthday my spicy Chica! 9 years ago you came into our world full of life and raring to go. I can't believe how fast the years have gone by...slow down already. You are a wonderful daughter filled with many talents, especially cooking. You make us smile and laugh each day with your quirky but definitely cute actions. Madison loves to be outside riding her bike,skating, or just hanging out with sisters and friends. I am so proud to be your Mom, or MaawMaaw as you say. Keep growing, dreaming, and pursuing your goals. Hope you had a great day!
Love you always and forever!!!


  1. Beautiful pictures...Wish I could have been there. Love you Grandma

  2. Aren't birthdays fun? I love to celebrate my children's birthdays. It is such a fun time to celebrate them as an individual. I am also a homeschooling mother. I saw that you had visited my blog. Thanks for stopping by. I will be back to "visit" soon.
