This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Five Question Friday, Nov. 13th

This is my first posting here at Mama M's Five Question Friday. You can join in on the fun too. If you don't have a blog just post your answers in the comments section. C'mon you know you want to...

1. What is your favorite "eat" on Thanksgiving?

Mashed potatoes, turkey comes in at a close second.

2. What is the name your best girl friend and the best trait about her or how you met (or heck, both!!)

I don't have one true best friend, but I do have several friends that are close and dear to my heart. You know who you are!

3. What would you say is one of your "weirdest" quirks?

I probably have a lot, but the one that drives me nuts is waking up several times during the night to check the house alarm light. Every night (especially when hubby is gone) I wake up and peek my head over the foot board to make sure the little red light is shining on the alarm box.

4. What is your favorite genre of music? (Hip hop? Classical? Rock? etc.)

Christian and Christmas music. I have been known to put the Christmas CD's on in the Summer!

5. Are you a Night Owl...or an Early Bird?

Night owl by nature/ Early bird to feed the baby. I stay up reading books and the blogs, write my posts, or lists for the next day. Drives my hubby nuts when I keep the bedside light on too long.


  1. I just came across your blog through Mama M's 5QF and see that you are in VA just like me. I just wanted to say hi and tell you that you have a beautiful family!!

  2. Hopped over from 5QF. Your children are adorable!!

  3. Visiting from Mama M's!

    I love your passion for Christmas music! I'm with you, but I'd never think to pull it out in the summer!

