Friday, October 30, 2009

Embracing All Hallow's Eve - What she said

Thank you Kerry from A Ten O'Clock Scholar for putting this into words.

Around here we call Halloween "Candy Day", because that's what it is. A time to pick out a fun costume and go around to get candy from the neighbors. Tomorrow morning we will carve our pumpkins and roast the seeds. We'll have an early dinner around 3P.M. The menu includes pork chops, homemade french bread, baked potatoes, and salad. About 5PM the girls will start to get antsy as they anticipate the sunset and we will start preparing to get dressed. This year the girls chose to be a pink cellphone (marie), best friends heart locket (madison & mikayla), and a cuddly brown bear (montana). McKenzie and I will stay inside and pass out candy while Mike and the girls patrol the neighborhood. After making their rounds, Mike and I will inspect the candy. Then we'll all eat way too much candy while watching some TV, brush our teeth and go to bed.

So what's your favorite kind of candy?


  1. Thank you for the link, Jacquelin! Noticing your hubbie's photo on the aircraft carrier and the fact that you are in must be in my hometown area! I grew up in Virginia Beach. Nothing makes me feel like home quite like the smell of the ocean and the sound of jets! :) I really miss both.

  2. Yes, we just moved to the Hampton Roads area this past summer from WA State. Loving it so far!

  3. You guys look like you had so fun. I love'd the kids costumes, espically the best friends hearts. Me and Shonna were really close growning up too, she was my best friend all through school and beyond. My boys fight all the time, I wish they could be close. A lot of people told me they will get closer the older they get, right now they just don't want the little brother hanging around them. My girls are close but it is only 2 of them, so they kinda have to stick together:)
    So you asked what candy I like....any candy!!!
    But my favorites are Hot tamales (I'm eating them now 1/2 off candy got out early this morning for it) Snickers and peanut M & M.
    Glad you guys had a fun and safe night.
