Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Candy Day!!!

Here are the girls all dressed up and ready to go. This year we had a cuddly little bear, a cell phone, and a best friends locket. We live in a new development just off an established development and we only had 5 family's come by, what?!? I bought way too much candy thinking we would have lots of kids like previous Candy Day's in WA state, WRONG!!!! I think we will have enough candy to last until next Candy Day. (lesson learned) McKenzie and I stayed inside, her tummy was hurting her, but let me just say she is good to go now :-)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Embracing All Hallow's Eve - What she said

Thank you Kerry from A Ten O'Clock Scholar for putting this into words.

Around here we call Halloween "Candy Day", because that's what it is. A time to pick out a fun costume and go around to get candy from the neighbors. Tomorrow morning we will carve our pumpkins and roast the seeds. We'll have an early dinner around 3P.M. The menu includes pork chops, homemade french bread, baked potatoes, and salad. About 5PM the girls will start to get antsy as they anticipate the sunset and we will start preparing to get dressed. This year the girls chose to be a pink cellphone (marie), best friends heart locket (madison & mikayla), and a cuddly brown bear (montana). McKenzie and I will stay inside and pass out candy while Mike and the girls patrol the neighborhood. After making their rounds, Mike and I will inspect the candy. Then we'll all eat way too much candy while watching some TV, brush our teeth and go to bed.

So what's your favorite kind of candy?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Formula fairy...who could it be???

Yesterday when we arrived home from co-op we had a box on the porch. Hmm, I didn't order anything. I wonder what it could be? To my surprise, it was a box with 2 cans of Enfamil Preemie formula. Wow, that was super nice!!! I was debating on whether or not to continue to give McKenzie the formula after her current can ran out. Thank to our formula fairy :-)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How time flies...

Wow, I can't believe my little Kenzie bug is already 2 months old...where does the time go? She is thriving and starting to develop her own little personality. It has been fun watching her come out of her shell and start to explore her world. Her sisters keep the house very lively and most of the time she can sleep through the noise. We are pretty much attached 24/7 and she loves to be held, but I don't mind one bit. I try to run my errands while you nap but Daddy says you wake up screaming for me and "rooting" for milk as soon as I pull out of the drive way, it's like you know I just left the house without you.

Each day during bible time for the girls school you can find us cuddled on the big comfy couch or on the floor as I read. I have become quite proficient at doing things with just one hand, loading or unloading the washer/dryer, teaching the girls, typing on the computer, etc.

We are not on any kind of definite schedule...just following her lead. McKenzie nurses every 2 - 2.5 hours throughout the day and night. Luckily she has just started to figure out that it's not playtime at 2 A.M and usually drifts back to sleep within 10-15 minutes. Getting up every two hours at night is not all that bad. This is the time when we are alone together, just McKenzie and I. I get to smell her sweet baby smell and kiss on her all I want without requests to hold her next. There is no noise, just the stillness of dark; no need for conversation as our eyes speak for us.

I've had a lot on my mind lately so it's the perfect time for prayer. I find myself praying all through the night as I get up. I have lots of things on my list right now: the girls, Mike and his upcoming workup and deployment, friends who are going through rough times in there marriages, family, friends going through pregnancy, safe travels and God Speed for those returning home from deployment. When sleep deprivation catches up with me, I do slide in some prayers for a few more hours of sleep. :-)

Here are McKenzie's stats:

weight: I will update this and the length Friday morning after her well baby check up, she was 6 pounds 5 ounces on Oct. 13th at her surgery follow up.

length: ???

clothing size: newborn

diaper size: newborn

favorite things:

-The PURPLE (soothie) binkie, not the green one or the pink one,P-U-R-P-L-E! and dont try to buy the blue soothie from Mommy's favorite store (Target)to trick me into thinking it's purple... not happening (let's just say we will be driving the 24 miles to Babies R Us this weekend and stocking up on the purple soothie, and who knew she could already see in color):-)

-You LOVE to stand up. We hold you up and your little legs are so strong.

-You can hold your head up without being a "bobble head" as sisters most affectionately call it.

-You like to snuggle all the time and love to pull Mommy's hair, especially at night when I am not moving fast enough to wake up and feed you.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween painted jar luminaries

After seeing this craft idea posted at Amanda's blog, I knew the girls would get a kick out of this project. They all are crafty ladies and what 3 year old do you know who turns down the opportunity to paint? We were finished with school by 130pm so we headed out to WalMart and stocked up on our supplies and came home and started painting. Yes Montana is in her ducky jammies (she did not wear them to the store) because she has a thing with jammies now (I pick my battles). A coat of paint and glaze later you have these beauties ready for candle light.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Lord's Prayer

As part of the girls schooling this year they will memorize bible verses, poetry, and prose. This is our first selection, The Lord's Prayer.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

First Day photos~ September 8, 2009

A bit late but here are photos from the 1st day of school.

Marie ~ 7th

Madison ~ 3rd

Mikayla ~ 1st

Montana ~ PK3

McKenzie ~ looking cute

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009