This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Waiting game...

Have you ever seen a pregnant woman power walking/sprinting? Not a pretty sight. That was me this morning. Montana and I arrived at the hospital at 830am, at 852am we finally found a parking spot, a country mile away from the elevators. Scroll down and look at the picture of me that I posted yesterday, now picture me holding a 2 year old, a mini backpack, and a purse and power walking as fast as my feet would propel me towards the elevators. Not a pretty sight. Did I mention that my appointment was at 9am and you are supposed to check in 15 minutes beforehand. Not the way I wanted to start off the day.

Nonetheless we made it and I checked Montana into her classroom at 858am and power walked towards the main hospital doors to my elevator. By the time I reached the elevators my watch had already beeped for the 9 o'clock hour. I checked in at 903am and maybe I had this look on my face but the receptionist did not cancel my appointment, even though there is a big sign in bold letters saying that if you are late your appointment would have to be rescheduled.

So here's the scoop. The doctor will not do amniocentesis unless I become so big that the pressure from the excess fluid inhibits my normal breathing. He stated that the risk is too great of rupturing my membranes and would rather let my body go as long as it possibly can before exercising that option. The situation is not getting any better however, today my deepest pocket of fluid is measuring at 17, last week it was at 12. He also didn't tell me how big I was measuring until I asked and then he just said your close to full term. McKenzie's heart rate was fine this morning at 125, most likely because of the power walking. He thinks she may just have a low resting heart rate. The obstruction is still there and there was mention of surgery again for her after birth to clear it.

My goal I am shooting for is to go 3 more weeks, the 15 Sept. Sounds like a good day to me, 2 days after Montana's and 2 before Mike's. God may have other plans and I accept that, I just need to do my part to make sure I give her as long as I can inside the womb. My bed rest has been relaxed, but I will still take it easy. We are still going to start school next Monday as planned, and I still am going to take the girls to Chuck E. Cheese for their surprise as well. I will have them work on their All About Me Books for the first day while I am gone. Maybe, I can even get Marie to take pictures for me while I am gone.

Thanks for all of your prayers!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I got the About Me sheets from Evan-Moor Teacher Filebox. At the Homeschool Share website they have a free About Me lapbook with lots of ideas. Our sheets had things like trace your feet and hands, a description with a place for height, weight, eye color, and so on. And a My Pets sheet, my favorite things sheet, a My Family sheet, and a When I grow up sheet.

    I hope that helped a little.

    Sorry you're on bed rest.
    Wishing you a smooth couple of weeks until you can deliver your baby.
