Tuesday, August 4, 2009

So long, farewell...

It's been a pleasure Mr. Trees. I really did enjoy the shade that you made on the backyard. But,(and there is always a but), you were pine trees, and pine trees and gutters just don't mix. I awoke this morning to my husband happily announcing at 730am that our trees would come down today. WHAT!?! I am not ready yet...I thought we were just getting quotes. Nope! Tree service guys came at 11am sharp and started the cutting process, scarring me half to death I might add since some of the trees were rather close to the house. The girls and I watched from the sun room windows as one by one they fell and were hauled away. Thanks again for the shade Mr. Trees, if only you were not pine trees we could of had a life long relationship (well at least as long as we lived in this house).


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