Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Faith McKenzie Caffey

just after delivery:

Born Friday, August 28, 2009 at 942AM at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth. Faith was born a preemie at 33 weeks 4 days and weighed 4 pounds 13 oz, 17 inches long. We are all excited to have Miss Faith in the world and can't wait to spoil her just like her sisters. She is doing well after her surgery on Monday to correct the obstructed bowel that was found at 32 weeks gestational. I will post her birth story within the next few days and give daily updates for her progress in the NICU to come home. Thanks for all the prayers we all really appreciate it!!!

all cleaned up in Mommy's arms:


  1. OM, she is beautiful! we can't wait to spoil her... give her a big kiss from all of us fawvers' thanks for the pictures.

  2. Congratulations on your new bundle!

  3. I know this is an older post, but I just found your blog, and wanted to say congrats on your little one! My son was tiny too, and a borderline preemie: 4 pound 9 ounces, born at 36 weeks, spent 10 days in the NICU. I had the opposite problem from you....my amniotic fluid was low, and my little guy stopped growing. He's now 2 and still little, but going strong! Anyway, I'm enjoying reading through all of your old posts!
