Tuesday, July 28, 2009

To Portsmouth we go...

Well, the decision has been made and I will deliver McKenzie at the Naval Hospital Portsmouth. The girls and I have an appointment at 9am this morning to begin the check in process and again tomorrow morning to see the OB.

I got a phone call from Mike this morning, very early I might add :-) Things are going well and he will be home this evening. The girls and I are really excited. Let's just pray we don't have another bad thunderstorm like last night when we have to drive to the airport.

Off for now!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Dr.'s update 30 wks 1 day

I was supposed to go to the doctors today for a check up but Tricare is playing hardball. I called to check on the referral status to see an OB doctor, AUTHORIZATION IN PROCESS. Tricare assigned me a civilian primary care manager, but they are reluctant to assign me civilian OB that is literally 15 minutes from my house. I would much rather go to the local hospital since 1. they are closer than Naval Hospital Portsmouth, 2. I have not heard any good things about the OB department at Portsmouth, 3. I can't bring my girls with me to appointments at the Naval hospital(and that just plain doesn't work for me!). I just moved to this new city and I don't know anyone enough to leave my girls with.

I was really looking forward to hearing McKenzie's heart beat today, the last time I heard it was on June 3rd. So, now I wait at 30 wks 1 day and contractions that make me pause until who knows when. God knows where we will be safe for the c-section and recovery, I need to leave that in his hands.

Menu Plan Monday ~ 27 July - 02 Aug

I am finally getting back into my routine of menu planning and everything in general now that we are settled (somewhat) into our new home. Mike will be arriving home Tuesday evening from deployment, YEA!!!! Next week I will start incorporating some of his favorite meals. My weekly grocery budget is officially set back in place after the big move. So here's my menu for the week, and before you go check out The Organizing Junkie to see what everyone else is eating this week. There are some really great meals posted!

b-oatmeal, peaches, oj or milk
l-leftover burritos, refried beans, Spanish rice
d-roasted chicken, hm biscuits, green beans, pears, milk

b-hm sausage biscuit, fruit cocktail, oj or milk
l-mac & cheese, hot dogs, watermelon
d-hm turkey pepperoni french bread pizza, bread sticks, applesauce, milk

b-cinnamon rolls, cantaloupe, oj or milk
l-grilled cheese sandwich, tomato soup, red grapes
d-meatloaf, hm bread, broccoli, garden salad, milk

b-hm waffles, apple slices, oj or milk
l-strawberry/banana smoothie, garden salad w/ roasted chicken meat, bread
d-steak & veggie kabobs, butter rolls, sweet corn, baked potato, milk

b-cereal Friday-choice of honey nut cheerios, fruit loops, rice krispies, or chex, oj, milk
l-ham & turkey sandwiches, orange slices, SunChips
d-ffy a.k.a. Fend for yourself

b-hm pancakes, strawberries, oj or milk
l-egg salad sandwiches, cheese sticks, carrot slices w/ dip, potato chips
d-sloppy joe's on bun, waffle fries, applesauce, milk

b-scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, cantaloupe, oj or milk
l-choice sandwiches, chips, yogurt
d-pot roast, white rice, green beans, garden salad, milk, hm no bake cheesecake for dessert

Sunday, July 26, 2009

What we're learning for 2009-2010 school year

So I think I finally have the girl's curriculum choices down (No more changes!!!). This will be our first year homeschooling and we are all excited about this opportunity. Kris at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers is having a weekly round-up so I thought I would join. We will be using Sonlight's program and I will be placing my order by the end of this week, Box Day here we come!!!

Montana (P3):
Sonlight Core P3/4
Letter recognition & sounds
Number recognition & counting
Color recognition
Writing name- 2nd half of year
Rosetta Stone Latin American Spanish 1
Awana Cubbies book 1
Renaissance School of the Arts Co-op- Preschool Activities
Playing and having fun!!!!

Mikayla and Madison will be doing Core 1 together and then will have their individual subjects for Language Arts, Handwriting, and Math. Here's what they will be learning together:

History & Geography- Sonlight Core 1 Introduction to World History, Part 1
Bible 1- Scripture memorization from Mark, Genesis, Exodus, Philippians, Psalms and Proverbs
Science- Basic introductory studies in such fields as meteorology, biology, electricity, soil science, astronomy, physiology, and hydrology with 30 experiments throughout the year, Science FAIR (November)
Foreign Language- Rosetta Stone Latin American Spanish 1
Art- Exploring Landscapes with Children, World of Play
Music- Bernstein Favorites: Children's Classics
PE- Gymnastics (team), Co-op PE

Mikayla (1st):
Language Arts- Readers 1, Explode the code 1,2,& 3
Math- Saxon Math 1, Mathtacular Primary
Handwriting- A Reason for Handwriting, book A
AWANA- Sparkies book 2
Renaissance School of the Arts Co-op- Early Elementary Music

Madison (3rd):
Language Arts- Readers 2 Intermediate, MCP Plaid Phonics level C, Wordly Wise 3000 book 3
Math- Saxon Math 3, Mathtacular 2
Handwriting- A Reason for Handwriting, book C (cursive)
AWANA- Truth in Training (TNT), book 1
Renaissance School of the Arts Co-op- Drawing, Building, & Creating

Marie (7th):
History & Geography- Sonlight Core 6- Intro to World History, Part 1 with Susan Wise Bauer's Story of the World
Bible- Scripture memorization from 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Jonah, the narrative portions of Job, the Gospel of Luke, the Acts of the Apostles, and St. Paul's letter to the Galatians
Science- Apologia Exploring Creation with General Science, Science FAIR (November)
Lit- History Readers
Spelling- Sequential Spelling, Misspelled words from writing
Writing- Papers from History, Science, Dictations
Vocabulary- Wordly Wise 3000, book 6
Grammar- Grammar Ace
Logic- Fallacy Detective & Analogies 1
Math- Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra
Foreign Language- Rosetta Stone Latin American Spanish 1
Art- Draw Today
Music- Classical Music,Volume 1
PE- Field Hockey???, Co-op PE
Renaissance School of the Arts Co-op- Fashion/Fiber Arts & Design 1, Sewing projects
Weekly Youth Group

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Happy Anniversary!!!

Thanks for a great 12 years, may we have many more to come.
Love you always and forever!!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Happy Anniversary Uncle Al and Aunt Joyce!!!

Happy Anniversary!
May you have many more years of happiness together!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happy Anniversary Uncle David and Aunt Janice

Happy Anniversary!
May you have many more years of happiness together!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Monthly recap

Time has flown by since we left WA state and made the move East to Virginia. Today is the day for us to close on our new house and start the process of getting settled in. Something that I will be taking very slowly, of course, since I have 9 weeks left until Miss Faith can make her presence, not that I am counting :-)

We have definitely enjoyed our time here in Northern VA with Uncle Al and Aunt Joyce, and yes Mr. Sebastian too. The girls and I loved going to VBS, the cooking and sewing lessons, and just relaxing and playing. 3 hours separate us so we can always come and visit soon!

We are super excited that Mike will be home in two weeks, yeah!!!!

So be on the lookout for my blog to be updated with something each day (my goal), Until next time (hopefully my Internet will be installed on the 17th as planned, otherwise I may have to wait as long as the 23rd)...